poo javelin

His forthcoming “Goose-ness” will be a much more reliable position…

Could be sued by former wrasslin’ stars?

You forgot Shagaluf…

So when will they decide Scaramooch has passed the audition for Zaphod Trump’s second head?

I’m sorry, Billy - my eyesight’s not what it used to be. What’s that written across the Barcelona shirts in that photo? Looks like it starts with a “Q”…

Government issue only…

Well you can, but Autopia has less chance of someone pointing a gun in your face!

Also, the best way to guarantee an mangled turd of a film is to let him write it!

I make no judgements!

Now playing

I can’t wait until Muller gets started properly with them…

You sure it wasn’t a lumberjack?

It’s the rabbit sitting in his head, working the controls…

They thought it said “inches” and just made the usual correction…

They want you as a new recruit!

Bully him? But…

Anyone who doesn’t will be hit over the head with an inanimate carbon rod!

That’s just the plane. If you want to fly anywhere, the engine’s an extra $20M!

Alt-history tends to get lumped in there, even if it’s not spectacularly futuristic.

Hell, the Shite House has put enough effort into building her a brand name. Why shouldn’t she make some coin from it?