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Much as I love Animal, he is only the second-greatest ginger muppet of all time!

On the other hand, kids are infinitely less likely to wake you up with a live mouse in your bed because they’re worried about your hunting skills!

It was a Fiata, not a Miata!

The photo wasn’t staged, but it was effectively a re-enactment!

As I said in another reply, they never managed to make the glass rust so there’s a better chance of getting the piece than an original piece of bodywork!

Glass is easy - they never cracked how to make it rust, so there’s plenty about!

Glass might be an issue but that’s it. Cropredy Motors bought the entire set of dies and production machinery, so every piece of bodywork or trim can be made to the original factory pattern!

Well, it would certainly put a new spin on the phrase “shit-eating grin”!

Let’s review the success of Jalopnik-backed driver(s)*…

Vote McClure for the Senator Alabama deserves!

Thank you. I’ll be here all week…

Unfortunately, Pier Paolo Pasolini is no longer around to film it!

We’re bad, bad people!

Well, eyepatches over both eyes aren’t a good look for a helmsman!

For true authenticity, the Pod need to be dimensioned according to Le Modulor!

And the three-seater makes a very comfy bed too! Way too many late nights in the office finished kipping in reception…