Somewhere, Eric Idle is amazed that he was writing a prediction, not a punch-line…
Somewhere, Eric Idle is amazed that he was writing a prediction, not a punch-line…
My ex spent 3 years in a couple of domestic and overseas charities. This sort of shit is SOP among the higher ranks! If 30% of the money raised/assigned actually gets spent on the ground, you’re doing well…
I prefer zinc carbon vegans; those fuckers give up after 10 minutes…
And what about the other kind?
I’d have thought there was only one choice for today’s music…
Well, not really but someone needed to post this!
The (former) Lord of the Manor of Frodsham would like a word…
Well Tom did say sorry about the “old woman”…
I can think of some crazy motherfuckers who’d like to discuss your take…
Or destroy the colonies and hunt down the ragtag armada of humanity’s last survivors!
By your command…
If you’re really that OCD, then you probably tell everyone you have CDO so the letters are in the right order!
The only problem with Chen’s viewpoint is that he makes this sound like a bug in the system, not a key feature.
Damn 25 year import rule…
I can only assume that Mr. Cage’s next target to sue for “harm… caused to him and his image and reputation” will be…
Yes, people around the world are queuing up to have their homes bombed into rubble by the USAF so they can freeze their nuts off in Minnesota for 6 months of the year…
Not much different from any other
E30BMW out there!
See “vote for him”!
Years ago, a friend came up with an evil scheme involving a yellow Morris Minor convertible…
And I don’t like it anymore than you.