Well then fuck off… The Stormer is three websites over. You’ll feel more at home there.
Well then fuck off… The Stormer is three websites over. You’ll feel more at home there.
You’re assuming our regularly scheduled 3am Tweetstorm from the Shite House won’t be replaced with a 3am Pardon-palooza…
I’ll be here all week. Try the taco bowl…
6 months leave means he would be able to tell Renault what everyone else has done, but he’d have no idea whether or not it was successful, or what onging changes had to be made to designs. So he’s as likely to send Renault up a blind alley as help them jump forward.
Give them a week and they could be Secretary of State!
I never would have guessed, since you managed 28 words without a typo!
The word you seek would be vexophilia…
It’s a good job everyone at Gizmondo Media dreams of working there, since they have the typing skills to fit right in!
Funny… Whenever you saw stories of Nazi hordes emerging from their subterranean lairs to establish the Fourth Reich, I always pictured Antartica, Argentina or the Moon, not their mom’s basement!
Did the creator of the winning entry get anything? Like an internship at Hugo Boss?
Not to mention Art Vandelay Silva wanting to spray stuff on a blue surface!
Drone Force One was parked over Bedminster, filming a fat-ass cheat at golf at a cost of $3M to taxpayers…
Are you saying he wouldn’t grab that pussy?
He’s going to invade Nambia to seize control of the world’s covfefe reserves?
Because you’re blogging to cheapskates! >$10K = 99.9% chance of CP…
Given Melania’s reluctance to stand within groping range, I’d have said “jerking moron”!
You call him a moron and he sits there grinning at you moron-ingly…