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I think that’s reserved for when he visits North Haverbrook…

So at least they get some respite from their suffering; he could have made it 3 hours!

Probably safer too!

The Tsar was never practical if you had to fly it/fire it to a target; in fact neither was the Castle Bravo device. However, it’s a perfect fit in a 40' container - 26' x 7'. And remember, the device tested wasn’t even fully armed; putting the intended U238 tamper instead of lead in the tertiary fusion stage would

In the words of Frank… What’s new in Baltimore?

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Have you children already forgotten? F1 tried this already…

So he is Jalopnik’s virtual David Tracy? Since none of them actually function as cars…

I’m sure $kay could still have supplied an appropriate picture!

which added a few vehicles, some clothes, two new weapons, a small pistol and a broken bottle, of all things.

A slightly long and salutary tale from Hatton in Warwickshire…

Nothing you can do about Bill O’Reilly, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is…

Actually, they cancelled it in 1960 too when they took Von Braun and Huntsville from the Army Ballistic Missile Agency and terminated Dr Strangelove’s idea of using Super-Jupiter* boosters to allow 50 fully-equipped US troops to deliver democracy anywhere in the world in 60 minutes or less!

You only hear the nuts and crazies that are part of the NRA paid for by gun manufacturers.

It’s an easy number for the cops to remember, no matter how much evidence they’ve smoked destroyed!

Don’t you mean +1,000,000!

0:39 Hopkins passes restaurant, slows down to check menu for liver & fava beans!

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Have you checked the credits for the names B. Drummond or J. Cauty? After all, the 23 years has passed…

I have a request - take the fucking channel off the air and feed it to the shark it jumped a decade ago…