That photo has to be the lamest Reservoir Dogs cosplay ever!
That photo has to be the lamest Reservoir Dogs cosplay ever!
Fly direct!
Possibly the only thing slower and less reliable than the Planet Express ship!
I’m surprised you’d recognise that much from two orange pixels!
I’m assuming Romelu gives as many fucks about this as Linford “Lunchbox” Christie or Dion “salami in a roll-neck jumper” Dublin did!
They’re trying to remember what Bob wanted picked up in Sachs…
They were born.
Rubbish! There’s only one piece of music that says 1980s* Formula One racing…
If the guy in question is Dolt45, might I suggest he start his “good time” at Dealey Plaza?
Almost worth buying it, just to send it to noted Cars fan J. Torchinsky and make his fuzzy little head explode…
Are you sure that’s not a Jaeger teaser for Pacific Rim II?
She’d still be in the marina trying to park her submarine!
A lot of people are saying that… Someone should look into it!
Indeed it is…
Can’t you just accept however your cab turns out?
+100 dollars in roubles!
You might want to check your word order or your geography! And delete Ireland from your travel itinerary for ever.
That just means he’s awake!