
Yesterday there was a story about a A lister family man that had been discovered as the leader of a child porn ring... in the comments Brad was mentioned.. could be related to this? o__O

:o there is not lactose free cheese in the US? Maybe you can find in a Mexican supermarket.. Lala and Alpura do lactose free chesse (deslactosado) and is quite tasty.

I have a contender!! (Punchable face guys make awful presidents, reaaally awful, learn from or terrible mistake)

Mi office is “business casual” (I work at a IT company) and all of us wear jeans, the only rule to do it is that they should not have holes, and look clean, even the managers wear jeans.

Mine too .__. for the running ones.. without padding sometimes my nipples hurt, so yaay for padding sports bras xD

Uniqlo Denim Jeggings, cheap, soft and they have great quality, I love them sooooo muuuch.

Uniqlo Denim Jeggings, cheap, soft and they have great quality, I love them sooooo muuuch.

Greetings from México!! I just want to say that is has been a very good day for us at the Olympics xD and even I am not very nacionalist in any other way, I am happy today.

Bobby, you are a international treasure ( XD I am from mexico so.. national is not enough)

I still mourn Millihellen u__u

I like her a lot (._. ) maybe is because I am mexican and dream about having a president at least half as competent as her or Obama. I really want her to win and do an excellent job and everyone appreciates her. I know she is not perfect but.. americans are really lucky. If you want to see a future with Trump as

D: I didn´t saw that.. WTF

Emily is THE BEST!!!

He is Sir Ponji.. He is.. Different and I love him :3


*holds Kara and never lets her go*

I have seen a lot of people say they will vote for the “green” candidate because they don’t want to vote for Hillary, that kind of votes and protest votes are one of the things that helped in Mexico to have the president we have and he is dumb and horrible, and Trump seems a lot worse, is very scary :/ .

Como la floooooor 🎶

Lindy!! You are SO missed here :D I will boy the book to have more Lindy in my life :)

I am so happy that I am not the only one that feels this way, even tho I don´t comment a lot this sites have become my regular “place” (I will always miss Millihellen and I Thee Dread) and I would be very sad to lost it.

Awww xD I was going to say that, I like it, is not perfect but I have comented there a lot and (at least with me) they are always very respectful.