
Yuup, my mom found out about me at 5 months and she kept drinking, smoking , and ... taking birth control and .__. beside some alergies I turned out ok.

Peppermint White Mocha is also wonderful :D and you can have it all year xD

We in mexico have a similar "fall treat" Pan de Muerto for Day of the Dead (Nov. 2)

I love you! I have a sick cat and your comment is the first thing to make me smile in all day. :D

Those ninjas came here too :´(

I loooove North West *O* she is SOOO CUUUUUTE!!!!!

(._. ) I hate papaya with the heat of 10,000 suns.

.___. I am surprised the people still bothers her with that. It´s been an Mexican Urban Legend since the 90´s.


Thaaaanks!!! My cat is very sick and this is the only thing that have made me smile in all week. :)


SAO II is so muuuch better than I expected!!! *O*

I just saw the video in Gawker and damn :( it´s so heartbreaking, I really hope he is in a happier place now.

And ¬¬ they should give you the fancy-schmancy video capture thing that gawker has, you write better stuff and deserve it more.


Now playing

:( I am a big legend of Zelda Fan, I loved, looved the commercials he had done with Nintendo about how he loved so much the game that his daughter is named Zelda.

My crush was Donatello. :3

When I went to the San Diego zoo, one of the Giraffes looked at me and got closer and let me hug his/her neck *O* was so magicaaaaal. (and a little girl next to me cried because the Giraffe did not do the same thing with her he he he)
;_; the only sad thing was that my husband was distracted and did not took pictures.


As kids my sister played as Leo and I as Donatello xD.

She looks pretty :D!! And I kind of love her smile and Kanye´s when they see North.