
* Her servants are so devoted to her that they will take a hit for her in Smash. Also they live under her dress. These facts may be directly related.

(._. ) I loooove that game.

It´s really a nice dress :D

I worked at Starbucks for 5 years .__. only thinking of the smell of Coconut Mocha still makes me want to puke.

(._. ) I hate DLC´s in general but, this will be free (or I remember reeding it will be free) and we all said nintendo needed to do things to earn more money and stay alive, some of these things will be sponsoring other companies so I rather have Mercedes pay them for free things for us than having to pay for other

This!!! I neeeever hear my phone so :( I have to say... I want one of these.

I used to believe in soulmates until I dated a guy that liked the saaame things I loved and we still are so similar in so many ways that... we both love hunky big guys. xD

I totally agree with IGotABlueberry :) but I think that maybe I did not expressed well.

Yes, is bad for both genders :/ because we don´t need to be portrayed in a glamour way as victims but men should not be portrayed as monsters. I was robbed in the street at daylight near my house and the guy touched me and I am still scared to do a lot of things by myself but I was lucky enough to be saved by 3 guys

I already posted this on Gawker but..

(.___. ) I am so tired, that the bloddy mary doesn´t sound so terrible right now

Same here.. also legs :( and I feel bad about it.
I don´t know if it is because I am very hairy and was bullied because of it.

(._. ) I want the solar system one for me...

T_T crochet techniques for dummies!!! please, please, please. I have beeb trying to knit for years and :( I am sooo useless pleeeease help my to-born nephew to have a dinasour crochet hat :(.

Want help with real Mexican foods or desserts (any kind of desserts)? I can help. :D

THIS!!! I read a lot, and plenty of times the books I read are recommended in io9, I would looove to read about what the smart sexy women on Jezebel are reading. :D

The biggest influence in your kid's life is you and your parenting.