Aspiring Internet Commenter

That's Klinefelters Syndrome. It's a real thing. They are not mutants.

I'm baffled at the increasing popularity of throwing away the 4th, 6th and 14th amendments. Instead of combating injustice by demanding better education, police work and civic responsibility, folks today seem to prefer abandoning their civil rights.

That's a Cleric spell.

The Big Bang is a misleading description of what scientists understand of Creation, better it be slandered.

If there is a dental school nearby you can probably get everything taken care of for cheap.

He was truly a Giant. Although I was a Sega Master System guy myself.

7 year old me cried and had to leavethe theatre. About 30 years later the idea of being stuck bent over in the Tik-Tok costume seems worse than anything in the film.

Trump has been heavily involved in two prominent multi level marketing scams. Something you may want to consider as you board the Trump train.

Peak Nostalgia is sort of like Peak Oil. We always seem to find more. At least until the planet is destroyed.

Seeing a 50 year old Short-Round will make me feel very old. And yes hopefully Shia will have died off camera between the two movies.

I always thought Q was for Queer, but I'm far from an expert. I guess I learned something new today.

I kinda wish he was in an O.C. TNG instead of a Cruel Intentions one.

You both need to start drinking more to keep your tolerance up. I'm not sure what other options you have left at this point.

So now all of his many right wing allies will have a reason to betray him on reasonable grounds?

I paid actual money to see Gods of Egypt and Jupiter Ascending.

I feel for the French. They dominated land warfare for 400 years and all anyone can remember is their last war.

I'm a bit jealous that you still have your Colecovision. I still have fond memories of Tron Deadly Discs.

She recanted her testimony under oath and there is no other evidence. No prosecutor would touch the case at this point.

Why waste time and resources on a trial if you can be certain of guilt based on the nature of the allegation?

I think the movie looks fun, I don't live in Chicago though.