Aspiring Internet Commenter

Wow, he is still alive. That brings me great hope. He at least looks like a heavy drinker, and I won't hear otherwise.

Educational reasons. I assume they know their way around the equipment better than me.

Even in this very small slice it looks like Patrick Wilson does a good job channeling Keith Carradine. I'm looking forward to this so much.

Its morbid but i wonder if that muder was maybe revenge for his dad raping someone. Sort of like with Michael Jordan's dad being murdered over MJ's unpaid gambling debts

Still no news on the blu-ray. We know the first five seasons have been remastered for Germany and are sitting on a shelf somewhere. You'd think they would be on top of it for the new series coming out.

So I just watched it and its pretty good. Not as good as the first two, but still plenty enjoyable.

I just finished watching The Booth at the End based on this recomendation and it was great. Thanks!.

Add me to the chorus who is glad you are still here. I mostly lurk, but I do enjoy your stories. You seem to have a lot going for you even if it is hard to realize from your own perspective.

I kind of feel like Mulder doesn't look right without the slept in cheap suit. This is still what I'm looking forward to most this year, even a little more than Twin Peaks

I would also skip The Truth parts one and two

I'm pretty sure Hodiak was the alleged wife beater. I could be wrong I watched it a week ago.

Why are you paying 99¢ for a pack of ramen? Now I know how the upper crust lives.

Too soon.

Bialik's "Neuroscience" Ph.D is about as STEM as astrology and scientology.

Apparently the first five seasons have been broadcast in Germany in HD so the masters exist, but there has been no Blu-Ray release date yet.

I'm getting more and more excited for this. I really hope the Khal Drogo as henchman rumor is true. I missed the Matt Bomer newswire, but that is great news as well as he has a ton of charisma. With luck they will use a lot of the original soundtrack. Although I generally prefer 7 Samurai, Magnificent 7 has the

Hard to believe no one has mentioned Half Life 3.

I watch all the survival shows and I think he is one of the least talented hosts. I'll still end up watching this most likely.

Good to know the Iraq war is over and there won't be any more fighting or deployments to the region.