Aspiring Internet Commenter

I loved it. It may even be as good as Fast Five which is the highest of praise. Also loved how they handled the ending, although it had me losing a fight to tears over the last 10 minutes.

This is the best 11 questions so far. I'll admit I never would have expected it from Henry Francis.

I'm a bit sad she quit the avengers. Still exited about more spider-woman coming though.

Its hard to imagine the X-Files without them. I wonder if they can bring back Krycek somehow?

Favorite moment is either the end of the season one finale with the party for Bobby at the beach or the end of the season 3 premier with the proposal. I'll miss this show hard.

Although the comeback maybe better, I love Cougar Town more. Glad they nailed the finale.

Many people think using their parents connections to get ahead is the difficult path in life.

*Adjusts spectacles* A lot of people think the poster/epidode I Want To Beleive means Mulder wants to beleive in Aliens, but its actually about him wanting to beleive his sister is okay.

He has a lot of charisma. I'm pretty sure he has another show coming out soon called Colony. I've been meaning to watch his last show Intelligence, but I haven't gotten to it yet.

He is showing up on Game of Thrones this year. Rumor is he is the owner of a gladiator stable in the east. Apparently the showrunners are big fans of his from Lost and wanted to find a role for him. I don't blame them.

businesses have much less liability than individuals in return they are held to a higher standard of conduct.

Cobb. The Braves former manager is retired in Oklahoma.

I love Cougar Town. Although this season has been the weakest, I thought the last episode about Tom was a true return to form and I have high hopes for the finale.

Jesus was in his 30s and only hung out with dudes and his mom. Just sayin'…

That was last week. From what little I remember.

Its good. Even if you think it may not be for you , you'll still probably like it.

I always thought he did great work throughout the run of the X-Files.

What about Dual Survival? It looks real enough.

I had a friend in college who insisted I watch the Boondock Saints. He got arrested for soliciting a 13 year old online a few months later.