Ponsonby Britt

If I understand your comment correctly, you’re confused about the discrepancy between the headline and the quote you posted?

There are two measures of “cognitive decline” here. The first one is “mild cognitive impairment,” which can be a precursor to dementia (but isn’t always). The second measure is actual dementia.

Steve Forbes was born a ball of fingers.  He had the best plastic surgeons money could buy, but you can still tell.

I have to imagine that the goth wedding itself would be a lot better in Jessica Jones’ world though, since there’s magic that lets you literally have the undead in attendance.

Cersei, Jaime, Joffrey’s corpse

<blockquote>The force of the yak’s stampede knocks back the Sleeping Veldar but also clears out the water surrounding Jake, revealing the wedding ring he tossed aside. By putting the ring back on, Jake regains his strength while also triggering a new stage in Murder Falcon’s evolution, giving him new mechanical wings

I think a big part of it is that Tibet is mostly a very high-elevation plateau (hard to get to in a military sense, but then possible to hold once you have it). Whereas Bhutan is mostly valleys and mountains, which is much harder to get into and extremely hard to hold.

Another part of it I think might be, Tibet has a

Rick and Morty isn’t on Netflix, neither is the most recent season of The Good Place, neither is Modern Family (also if that was ever a great show that time is long passed).  Do you live outside the US?  Netflix has a significantly wider range of content in non-US countries, I think because there’s less competition. 

But anyway yeah, this is a good conversation. And I feel like in a meta sense, it kind of demonstrates the difference between “somebody honestly trying to reason their way to the truth” (like you and me, and also I think the other person you’re debating with) and “somebody who just doesn’t like Muslims and wants to

I guess my main argument with you then is, I don’t get *why* racism has to have an intent component. I mean, you say “justice requires it” but in an actual legal sense, that’s not true a lot of the time. Negligence doesn’t have to have intent, and neither does strict liability. It doesn’t matter whether the grocery

I don’t think this take is right for a couple of reasons. First is, “privacy rights” aren’t just one unified concept. There are privacy rights which the government owes to its citizens which come from the Constitution, and then other privacy rights which telecom companies owe to their customers which come from federal

I don’t know if this guy actually saw Muslims celebrating. I don’t know if he’s anti-Muslim. But let’s stop pretending that some people can’t be both terrible human beings AND Muslims. Same as any other religious groups, races, cultures, whatever.

Although the other thing here is, you realize that you’re also jumping to a conclusion - that Vallelonga should be given the benefit of the doubt that he’s arguing in good faith, and is interested in truth/factuality rather than anti-Muslim animus. Which, I dunno if you’ve been on the internet in the past few years,

I think there’s an issue here of you and the other person talking past each other. If I’m understanding you correctly, your definition of “racist” or “anti-Muslim” requires intent - unless we can show that Vallelonga intended his tweet to be anti-Muslim, we shouldn’t call him anti-Muslim. But if I’m understanding Paul

As Kim Tallbear, who Nick cited, said, tribal governments don’t define citizenship by DNA. Centering the conversation around DNA is casting the actual question of Native identity in the corner.

None of this stuff is governed by eternal, unalterable conditions, and customers may find themselves becoming incredibly angry later if they think the current situation can’t change (see also: commercials).

I feel like part of it is psychological - people (especially very rich people who already have their basic needs met) don’t just want enough stuff to be happy. They want more stuff relative to other people. Higher ROIs than the other guy, so you can rub it in his face at the yacht club or Burning Man or Davos. And

Racism, as an ideology, is actually a lot more recent in human history than most people think. It wasn’t really a thing until the 1400s-1500s, when Europeans “discovered” other parts of the world and had to come up with a convenient rationalization for why it was okay to enslave the inhabitants and steal their gold.


That’s capitalism though, right?  The economy is oriented around whatever enables capital to reproduce itself as quickly as possible, whatever allows investors to make the maximal short-term return on their investment.  Metrics like “are we making good products” or “are we strengthening the company as a whole” or “are

Do you guys just put the word “quantum” in front of everything?