Ponsonby Britt

At some point saving everything has to mess up evolution, right?

I don’t think this is a good analysis, because it collapses the distinction between the old “culture war” politics of the late 20th century, and the new, broader politics of the 21st century. Pelosi came up during that “culture war” period, when Democrats and Republicans were broadly united around neoliberal

Just thinking about how fucked up and traumatized Lapis was by being an object... and it turns out there are way more situations like that, on Homeworld and possibly Earth and the other colonies? That’s very casually horrific.

I took a class once in college that was entirely about democratization - the transition that various states have made from dictatorship to democracy. One of the main takeaways from the class was that from a short- and medium-term, outcome-based perspective it’s better to give some kind of partial escape path for

That was a super “Disney princess” episode. Steven is trapped in a high-up tower, his only companions are some magical servant creatures, eventually he sings a wistful song about wishing that his situation was different, and it ends with the magical servant creatures sewing him a pretty dress to wear to a party that

and, I don’t ever plan on killing anyone and have my DNA at a crime scene.

Iron Monkey is so fucking good.  That ending fight scene on the burning poles, so so good.

I think part of it is that in the West, CGI is frequently used to make stuff look realistic - it’s used to hide the fact that Benedict Cumberbatch isn’t really flying through the air or whatever.  But in Chinese stuff, CGI is more there to show obviously unrealistic stuff.  So the style is more cartoony and obviously

There are a lot of reasons that Brexit is a bad idea, but an underrated one is that this panel will no longer make the same kind of sense in a few months.

I dunno though, I don’t think Millar was saying “this is what Captain America is and that’s a good thing.” The Ultimates in general was about the abstract concept of superheroes (bright! heroic! popular!) as reflected through the grubby reality of post-9/11 geopolitics (dumb! jingoistic! casually committing

And the one common link between them all, Dick Van Dyke, eternally ‘oofing it up for generations of little blighters, innit?

Is Cannon Guy now suffering shell shock after the Great War, obsessively loading and discharging his firearm in a vain attempt to fight off a murderous Hun that still haunts his dreams?

The bit about Nevada barring this kind of recording is incorrect.  Nevada is a one-party consent state for public conversations and in-person conversations (both of which cover the classic “cop harassing a non-white person out on the street” situation).  Nevada only requires two-party consent to record a phone call.

“Don’t choke women!” - Neil deGrasse Tyson

It’s not just about how Amazon treats workers badly, though. It’s also about how they extort cities into giving them tax incentives; how they undercut small and/or local retail businesses while strongarming small/local suppliers, disrupting the social fabric of the middle class; how they collaborate with an

The Democratic donor class is much more concerned with picking winners in toss up districts than it is picking policy positions.

Shit, I’ve wanted Barbara Lee to be Speaker ever since she was the only Congressperson to vote against starting the Forever War on Terror.

So if my math is right, that would make Columbus Morgoth?