Ponsonby Britt

That was great, because they didn’t overplay it.  The camera doesn’t cut to him, nobody says anything, it’s just this subtle thing that happens off to the side, mirroring his attempt to avoid anyone noticing his mistake.  So good.

This is ironic given your screen name, but you actually do see her on screen once - the characters are all having a Thanksgiving dinner which degenerates into a food fight.  Norm finally brings his wife Vera around to meet the gang... but she gets a pie in the face so nobody can see what she looks like.

That’s not unique to that cartoon - Killer Frost has been written as a hero/ambivalent villain who sometimes helps the good guys for a few years now.  That’s also what she is on the Flash tv show.

In this scenario the dems have both the house and senate and can block anything he tries to accomplish.

I don’t think term limits are a great solution, because they tend to breed less informed public officials (because you don’t have enough time in office to really develop expertise on an issue) and more ambitious public officials (because you always have to be hustling for your next office instead of concentrating on

I mean, working conditions in the meatpacking industry are somewhat better than they were in the first Gilded Age, but it’s still a ridiculously dangerous, low-paid job (and is still mostly performed by immigrants who also have to deal with bigotry on top of it).


Polk was terrible. Basically the only thing he did as President was to launch an explicitly racist war to take land away from Mexico in order to give it to slaveowners. Of course he’s Spencer’s favorite President, he did a huge amount to advance the cause of white supremacy.

Abraham Lincoln first got famous in national

A pardon erases the legal consequences of a conviction, but it doesn’t erase the fact that the conviction happened. We can still call him “convicted felon Dinesh D’Souza,” it’s just no longer going to be a barrier for voting, jury service, or any of the other various discriminatory practices toward felons that D’Souza

In the Teen Titans Go movie, they beat him by singing a dumb song at him!

I think this analysis is inaccurate, because it’s not like Hollywood consciously decided “let’s solely focus on high risk, high reward blockbusters.” They were forced into it by technological changes. TVs got bigger, better, and cheaper, and streaming became a thing. Those two changes killed the theatrical prospects

I don’t watch adaptations of his work, even though they are some of my favorite works of all time- I don’t think I’m missing much.

But at best, that’s an answer to stop new racist harms from being done. It doesn’t redress any of the old racist harms, and it basically pretends that they didn’t exist. “Protect individual property rights” wasn’t enforced back in the old days, so lynch mobs burned down the black part of Tulsa, Oklahoma. A bunch of

The article didn’t mention greenhouse gas consumption. It was concerned with resource consumption. This includes things like soil, fresh water, and plain old space, which the poorest among us consume at healthy rates.

“Questprobe - Spider-Man” (a text adventure in which Spider-Man can close his eyes, walk forwards and die from breaking his neck).

This is a really good article, but it elides the other half of the story: why did the parties become mixed in their attitudes about racism in the first place? As a pedant, let me answer that with a long-winded essay.

After the Civil War, the Union imposed military governments on Southern states, which stripped a lot of

There’s a strong argument to make in favor of libertarianism (not the big-L Libertarian party necessarily), advocating for economic conservatism but also individual rights. It’s hard to discriminate against any group of people if principled about advocating for each individual’s rights.

This is true, but I also think there were/are a lot more links between business and racism than we commonly talk about. On a practical level, most businesses are small-c conservative. They just want to keep the status quo in place (because that’s where they’re making money). The civil rights movement was a problem for

Again though, you’re going back to the strawman that most people are “treating societal norm violations with the same seriousness and anger as actual crimes.” That is not something that the vast majority of people who are criticizing Gunn (or other prominent jerks) actually is doing or believes should happen. You’re

Yeah, I agree with all of that for sure. And I definitely think that Gunn shouldn’t be a pariah forever, or even for very long, over this. (Personally, I think “him getting fired from Guardians and maybe getting stink-eye for the next six months” is enough of a punishment proportionate to what he did.)

But at the same

I think that’s mostly a strawman, though. Like yeah, it’s the internet and there’s always going to be a section of people competing for the loudest, hottest take. But I think the vast majority of people (who aren’t horrible chuds) support the idea that people can come back from doing bad stuff, but only if they’ve