Ponsonby Britt

That’s true, and it contextualizes it, but I don’t think it excuses it, you know?  There were trans people back then saying that it was gross.  Popular culture wasn’t listening to them, but that doesn’t mean that it was right about it.

And a middle-class person from Hamburg would be a Hamburger-burgher-burger!

Also the tweet where he uses a slur against trans people isn’t even an attempt at a joke, it’s just him being shitty, so definitely fuck him for that one.

I also think that one of the things about this is, he didn’t just make an isolated pedophile joke or two. In the context of “Troma guy, career built partially on deliberate grossness”, I don’t think that’s a problem. But he just had so many pedophile jokes, it’s clearly something he thought about a lot. And none of

That’s not the alternative, though. For instance, the Moapa Band of Paiutes (outside of Vegas) had a coal plant on their reservation, which they shut down and replaced with solar plants. Still jobs for tribe members, and still money from selling electricity.

It seems like the Navajo are in the exact same situation. 

Coal plants are literally, directly bad for the health of the people who live near them.  Asthma, lung disease, cancer, either from breathing in smoke or from drinking water that’s polluted with coal ash.  That’s not actually “health and welfare” - it’s the tribal government looking to avoid spending money on a

Can’t you see that man is a nit?!

Is it going to be a media circus? I imagine that supervillain trials are pretty routine for Gotham at this point, and Freeze is typically one of the more restrained and less sensationalistic villains.

I also think that, just like Mariah (and Cottonmouth), she couldn’t escape her family legacy of emotional trauma and shitty parenting, so she decided to run towards it by also becoming a criminal.

I feel like that might be a Marvel decision more than a Netflix one?  I know for sure that Bojack Horseman says “fuck” sometimes (and only ever in brutal, brutal circumstances), and I feel like I’ve heard it on other shows too.

I mean, literally everything Mariah says is at least 50% bullshit, and at least 25% of that is “her buying her own bullshit for ego reasons.

I think it makes sense if you view it on a metaphorical level. Bushmaster is Luke’s anger - he’s way powerful, yeah, but he’s burning himself out (both emotionally and literally because of the nightshade). In the early episodes, when Luke is still refusing to confront his anger, it’s more powerful than he is - hence

I like that most of the wedding guests are people with real personal connections to Piotr and Kitty, or at the very least people who they were on teams with for substantial periods of time.  But then also Doop is there, that little fucking weirdo.  So great

That’s exactly why he didn’t marry her!

Wash got cut in half real bad!

This is a bad response, because part of the problem with your initial comment is that it’s not just attacking Whedon, it’s attacking everyone who looks like Whedon as well. There are plenty of people who you’re insulting for no reason. So to posture like only Joss Whedon himself could be bothered by your comment is

Teen Titans Go is really good for that.

Having gutted the AV Club, Univision is now turning around and selling it. Capitalism!