Ponsonby Britt

Harlan Ellison groped a lady in 2006, that’s not really “back in the day”

That Mike Grell cover is great

C.C. Dowd strikes again!

Part of me wants to say “Venture Bros is a great roadmap on how to get out of that toxic mindset, so it would be a good thing if those people got into it.”  But then I also think that’s true of Rick and Morty, and yet people are still deliberately reading it to justify shitty behavior, so maybe I’m wrong.

This reading of the show is diametrically opposed to the one I have, because to me it seems like the Ventures are really on an upward trend in terms of personal growth. In the early seasons, Rusty is forcing his kids to be boy adventurers because that’s what he was good at (just like his dad forced him to be a

But he was assisting the Monarch to be a secret good guy, so it’s still a kind of progress in that sense.

Oh, no. No, a man washes his hands before or after tending to his needs. It tells you a lot about a man. *eats a candy* He does it both times - points to a weakness in character.

I don’t think Miller is saying that anyone was trying to make anything more palatable to a conservative audience. Rather, they’re saying that Elvis being drafted made his music more palatable to a conservative audience.

This particular bill is coming out of the European Parliament, which is directly elected by voters in each country. There are parts of the EU which are pretty undemocratic (the Commission, the ECB, the courts), but this is a bad example.

The US is different, because we took away the ability of individual states to run their own monetary policy, but then we replaced it with a system of automatic, counter-cyclical transfer payments to poor people.  So if Michigan or something is getting crushed by an excessively strong dollar, it’s also getting helped

I think this is a good corrective point, but I also think that racism and xenophobia are driven in large but not exclusive part by capitalism. The capitalist system needs something to distract white people from how they’re getting screwed over; so racism and xenophobia are deliberately inflamed to that end. Ending

Superman has manboobs here because this is from an alternate universe where Superman is older (note the gray temples; also the triangle symbol, which is what Superman wore back in the 30s and 40s).

and to invade and occupy multiple countries, unprovoked

Fun fact: California was still pressuring prisoners into getting sterilized as late as 2010! Of course it’s just a coincidence that the women happened to be disproportionately non-white... 

This is tangential to the topic of the article, but “rehabs.com” is a terrible, terrible source to cite. It’s owned by AAC, a for-profit rehab company that exploits people with addiction. There’s all kinds of shady shit there. They do a bad job of treating people; they use deceptive tactics to coerce people into going

The embedded tweet is showing up completely fine for me. I get what you’re saying though - sometimes they’re cropped for me like that. I’m not sure how or why that’s happening, but it might be the browser or something instead of the site.

I usually don’t care about suspension of disbelief type stuff like “why can’t Maz Kanata just tell them the guy’s name?”, but I think that’s a really good point about how the theme of the movie is “critically examine the stories you’re being told” and how that makes those kinds of criticism fair game.

I read that Kelsey Grammer wasn’t in this sketch because the liberal conspiracy kept him out.

“Sarcasm can be really difficult to pick up on the internet, and there are an unfortunately large number of anime Nazis around nowadays who unironically say dumb hateful things, so maybe it’s unreasonable to expect that random strangers will correctly parse your intentions” alert.

And the really bad thing about the politics/trade/whatever was that it was somehow simultaneously too complex and complete gibberish. What does the Trade Federation actually trade? Why would they want to fight the Republic in the first place, instead of using trade as leverage in an economic war? How did the Republic