Ponsonby Britt

I mean, I think that “Trish was involved in hippie doctor’s death” is in the mix somewhere, but Alisa seems to have hated Trish before that. She seethes about Trish the first time that Jessica meets her, and in that flashback episode we see her talking to Trish’s mom and imbibing her crummy view of Trish. I think the

Didn’t they though?  I thought I read that a number of campaign staffers were paid by the foundation between 2008 and 2016, in order to keep them from going off and getting jobs working for a potential competitor.

If I Did It: A Hypothetical Account of Decisionmaking Concerning the Drone War

The Targaryens had full-size dragons when they conquered Westeros, and that was only about 300 years before the series. The dragons didn’t start to shrink until most of them died off in the Dance of Dragons, which made a bottleneck in the survivors’ breeding pool and caused them to get all inbred and runty. That was

It’s product placement for Dan Aykroyd’s vodka.

But why are we privileging “the comedian’s right to take risks without getting hurt” over “the brown/female/gay person’s right to have an evening out without getting personally attacked”? Comedians are choosing to do art, whereas marginalized people aren’t choosing to have their gender/race/orientation. From a moral

I guess “unfairly pressured” wasn’t the exact words she used. The exact words were “gross abuse of power.” But I think in this context, that’s basically equivalent to “unfairly pressured,” you know?  “Gross abuse of power” might even be a worse way to put it.


The nerd Titus was talking to was Jeffrey Weinerslav from 30 Rock!

Also loved Xan being surprised when touching Jacqueline’s hand that it wasn’t slimy, as she had always imagined

I thought this was way funnier than any of the other episodes so far this season. And the political analysis of the Disney princess movies was a lot sharper than the harassment stuff in the first episode, or the white privilege stuff in the second or third.

I also loved the whole absurd throughline of the Soda Trickery

It seems like a lot of the humor was dependent on having a strong knowledge of the true crime genre, and since I don’t have that I didn’t find most of it that funny. Whereas Queen of Jordan transcended the reality genre, and was funny even without a lot of previous knowledge. (Maybe because Queen of Jordan grounded

Also, DJ Trapphaus’ gravestone shows that his real name was Derek James Trapphaus.

Nobody is saying “subordinates can’t date supervisors.” But there’s a power imbalance there, which usually (not in your case) lines up with the broader power imbalance that men have over women in society. People are saying that we need to be aware of that imbalance, and make sure that it doesn’t unfairly pressure

The common denominator here is that there’s a structural imbalance of power between men and women, which men leverage into unfair, exploitative sexual encounters. Sure, some men are more exploitative than others (sex crimes versus pressuring a subordinate for sex). And some women are more okay with that than others

This is only tangentially related to your comment, but I still think it’s a good read. “Harassment and rape” are certainly the worst sex-related problems, but there are other, less severe structural problems that are still worth thinking about in that context.


I dunno though, I feel like the effect of your rule would be to make comedy clubs a systemically hostile place for women/non-white people/LGBT people. Comedy is great, and everyone should be able to enjoy it without having to worry about being blindsided by jokes attacking them, you know? Opening yourself up to those

But this comment is solely rooted in your perspective about “funny” and “stress.” The same joke you find funny might cause stress to someone else. If that someone else is from a historically oppressed group, and they’re constantly having to deal with stress from that sort of joke, that’s the very thing that makes the

Did you watch that Netflix special that Steve Martin and Martin Short did? They each have a few political jokes sprinkled in, and it’s by far the weakest part of it. But the weird, old-timey vaudeville stuff is still pretty good (and there’s a great stretch where they’re just insulting each other for like ten or

Dane Cook was also pretty great as “Shadow’s douchebag friend” in American Gods.

Multiple people have made the Mystery Team comparison, but I’m going to go a different direction and say Venture Bros.