Ponsonby Britt

I think this argument will absolutely be valid way in the future, once women (and non-white people, and LGBT people while we’re at it) get creative opportunities at a rate which is roughly proportionate to their share of the population. But right now, it’s still very hard for a female writer/director to get any kind

I think Willow successfully made the transition from the latter to the former. Ditto Fred (in a manner of speaking...). Of course, both of those happened when he wasn’t super involved in those shows, so maybe it proves your point.

I do disagree with the idea that “people are in general more easily aggrieved these days.” I understand (and share) your impression that it’s getting louder and worse, but I don’t think that’s an artefact of people changing their attitudes. I think (as you and ShadowPryde say) that social media is a big piece of it.

It was weird to me that Kimmy didn’t mention Dong once. Like, didn’t they explicitly have a conversation about how he couldn’t piss off his boss because he was undocumented? You’d think she would have caught on quicker to the different dynamic the salon workers had. I did appreciate that they got an actual Korean

Another one is that his dad’s wiki page says that he’s from Hill Valley, California, and was business partners with Biff Tannen.

I agree with the reviewer’s take on the sexual harassment stuff. In particular, I thought it was weird how Kimmy investigated herself, put herself on suspension, and then decided that she was okay to come back. I don’t get what the show was going for there. In the real world, that kind of thing would be a massive

That was a really weird way to wrap up (I assume) Artie’s story. One scene of him and Lillian, one scene of Lillian looking sad while holding his ashes, and then her story is all about her doing schtick? It was great schtick, don’t get me wrong. But it could have been actual cocaine for all the emotional connection

I also liked how that was pretty plausible as a disguise for Lillian, especially after “Russian hooker” wasn’t.

I dunno, “single gal in the city” was a very 90s sitcom archetype, whereas the 80s had... the first couple years of Murphy Brown and that was it? And then all of Kimmy’s pop culture references are from the 90s, so that’s another argument in favor of that. I mean it totally also is Mary Tyler Moore, but then a lot of

The CDC says that the term “chronic Lyme disease” has been overused to the point where it’s not helpful or descriptive, but that a subset of people who claim that label do have a real condition called “post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome.” I would guess this lady is in that subset.


I also think that when the term was first widely adopted, it had a more specific strategic meaning behind it. Midcentury US politics tried to bury racial issues (and gender etc.) as a topic of discussion and project a false consensus that everything was fine and there were no problems. “Identity politics” was

But you’re committing the same sin you’re arguing against, right? You’re taking ‘articles written in the newspaper’ as “outrage” “whipped up by everyone”. You’re overdramatizing the people you disagree with, just like the person in your example. In reality, most people don’t pay any attention to any politics, and the

It reminded me of Angel, who was a non-fucking vampire.

I thought Book!Shadow made a lot of sense, because he had been in prison for a while. A lot of people react to that by becoming really quiet (because you want to avoid attention) and contemplative (because you have a lot of time to think). Shadow is taking those traits out into the world when he gets out, which is why

I dunno though, the whole plot of the show is that new gods supplant the old ones, and we’ve already seen that there are differing versions of the same god based on who’s doing the worshiping. It seems like Anderson’s absence is pretty easily explained away.

Dean Winters isn’t a noname. He’s the Beeper King!

*fake Springsteen theme plays*

“I would share the tortoise’s post, thereby leveraging the wisdom of the crowd to find community-based solutions to being on its back.”

I think one answer is that genre stuff is more expensive to make. You need CGI, you need custom-built props, costumes, sets, etc. If the studio is spending all that money, it wants to be as sure as possible that the movie is going to make its budget back. A familiar, proven IP is one way of doing that, and a

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