I don’t know if “accident” is the right word. It was certainly a deliberate act by the intolerant, childish, low-IQ artist responsible.
I don’t know if “accident” is the right word. It was certainly a deliberate act by the intolerant, childish, low-IQ artist responsible.
I hate to break it to the North Korean military, but all North Korean attacks are suicide attacks.
Unpopular opinion:
Am I the crazy one that think it’s not a very good looking car?
It committed sepoku after noticing who its owner was... Understandable.
I haven’t seen any pro-pedophilia arguments, though admittedly I didn’t look all that hard for them because such an argument would be ridiculous on its face.
No one’s claimed it was the exact same as abuse of children in real life, that’d be frankly absurd. People are however quite rightly pissed off at someone claiming that not having fictional sexual depictions of children on Steam is “unfair aritistic censorship”, that it’s unjust and discriminatory because “it’ll mean…
Context, like the characters being in school, which literally means they’re really minors in spite of the (not quite credible) disclaimer? Or like the fact they’re drawn with exceedingly kiddish facial features? I’m not sure which specific context you’re referring to, just checking ^^
Not to be confused with Late State Jalopitalism, which is begging corporations to build brown diesel manual wagons with no intent of buying them new.
Never really understood “tryhard” as an insult. Are you not supposed to try? Is it only okay to play games if you already have a natural aptitude for it, and should be ridiculed if it takes effort to succeed? Or am I missing some deeper context here?
Hi David, this has nothing to do with what you see.
This isn’t a collection, it’s hoarding.
Good. We have as similar hoarder in my community, and his very visible collection of junk is an eyesore. If this guy had at least 50% of his collection stored inside and out of sight, with the rest in a well maintained and kept area, id be a bit more sympathetic. This is just a junkyard.
Wow, this post really brought out the haters. I’m sure all you purists own an E30 M3 and talk about how every M car since ruins the brand...
“I don’t want to do this because it makes me and my family uncomfortable,” is full-enough reason not to do something, full stop.
why does this matter? who cares who he chooses to play a game with on his stream. why try to shame him into playing with a female streamer if he doesnt want to? you guys are going off the rails lately
He may not play with Woman, but he does “RAID” them all the time. I have seen him send 100K viewers to woman streamers. There is little difference.
Yes they would benefit more from his presence, but
many many streamers gained their success from the same method. NINJA himself earned his followers from a host from Summit…
Why doesn’t it just randomly play the conversations of yours Alexa has already recorded? 🤔