
I still say the single biggest problem with No Man Sky, after the hype, was the audacity to charge $59.99 for a low feature Indy game. It’s not an original idea. There are a ton of “Minecraft in Space” games out in Stream.  Some are fun.  Some are not.  None cost more then $20

AWD =“Not a true M Car”

Shame that your “going outside” and “getting interested in something else” didn’t teach you how to interact with people without name calling. If you’re the bar, then I think our kids are doing just fine.

nothing to do with art or creativity.

I got a 2018 JD Power Initial Quality Award this morning for making my bed and dressing myself. 

I gift friends games all the time using Amazon. I always gift in Physical Discs anyways.

Lol not even sure this is really a “one-up”.

Lol but congrats Microsoft on your monumental accomplishment.

My full-size Lex is 13 years old and has only slightly lower power numbers (but from a real engine, not a 4-banger), and gets the same MPG on the highway.

Wow, you mean to say that a used luxury car is cheaper than a new one? Holy shit!

methinks the reason he lives in Jersey is the job that can afford him a $200k car budget...

Why no Gallery? Where is the wow factor? It really is just a nicer Range Rover. I thought there was going to be something that just blew us all away. the rear seats? Range Rover does it better. Suicide doors? An expectation. Luxurious interior? Well NO S! I thought there was going to be something that made me think

If all three cars were autonomous would there still have been an accident?

He painted the exhaust heat shield? What a noob! That’ll last about a week.

so that is like a 6.25% rate, which doesn’t seem too out of wack. especially if you are low on liquidity and most of your money is tied up in your hedge fund... got to look the part i guess

And just like a student driver, they have a supervisor who will take over if shit goes wrong.

The front looks bloody awful, nothing else is needed to be said.

That’s a lot of homes they can put on there, as sad as I am to see this track / airfield go, this conversion is a big plus for the people there.

That seemed to happen a little fast.

I am all for a drag race up to the speed limit. Nothing quite gets the kids going like a fast launch at a redlight from 0-35mph. Making sounds with your mouth to imitate a real race car is bonus material.
