On behalf of the UK I would like to apologise for Piers Morgan. We are truly deeply sorry.
On behalf of the UK I would like to apologise for Piers Morgan. We are truly deeply sorry.
Quick guide to win at Kerbal: Strap some rockets to some other stuff and SEE WHAT HAPPENS.
I know what you're thinking and let me just say, "Her" is not a celebration of the lonely sensitive indie guy - it's a very specific criticism of it and the needy clingy self-righteousness it entails.
When in doubt I always turn to the wizened words of Mark Kermode: "I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed - and I'm very disappointed."
Every single one of these are glorious without exception and I hope all the featured couples are enjoying a long and happy matrimony.
Only when they're played by Brits.
Which one of these buttons gets me a latte?
If there's one thing Jezebel has shown me it's the female predilection for cartoon foxes.
Don't worry, I'm sure Maldonaldo will behave himself.
Saw "12 Years A Slave" - Great movie with tons of big name stars but she blew all of them away. Amazing talent.
I still think he'd make a grade-A Bond villain. Just imagine Daniel Craig having to infiltrate some weird-sexy-undersea bunker and finding Idris at the centre of it wearing a sharp Armani and a stolen nuclear submarine.
Top Gear should crash it into a Toyota Hilux and see what happens.
For one night dreams really can come true.
I think he's the Housing Minister.
Awesome. Ferrari just need to get their new flagship out ASAP and we can all look forward to the inevitable Top Gear special.
Teachers was fairly dreadful all around.
I'm very glad for this article. Tumblr seems to be full of normally militant SJW-types swooning over this pile of depressing drek. This thing pretty single handedly murdered Richard Curtis' career and left it in the deep cold earth before Doctor Who pulled him out nearly a decade later.
If he's smart he should have a glass floor across his house and just put them in there.
I'm just going to call you an idiot and leave you to figure out why.
Do you ever get sad you haven't been adopted by them yet?