
Do you really think it’s the fires that began in the past 2-3 weeks causing people to flee the Bay Area and LA? Might it have more to do with the pandemic that has lasted 6 months or so and the much less business-friendly approach CA took compared to TX? Or perhaps the years-long increases in living costs that were

Sportscar racing is definitely gathering steam, particularly because with the multiple classes, you can effectively pick your relative budget ceiling and then do what you want, F1-style ‘pay to win’ isn’t absolutely necessary (though it has obviously still been possible, hello Toyota). A company also doesn’t actually

Am I the only one wondering if Formula 1 itself is in trouble?

What, specifically would any country in Europe do when Russia decides it wants all of Ukraine? What country? What action would they take? How long would it take for China to occupy Taiwan? The Philippines? Indonesia? Have you never been outside of the USA? 

It’s just Leftism talking. We have to abandon all military power and then everyone else will suddenly agree. Any sign of military power being flexed is a catastrophe that will certainly plunge us immediately into nuclear war.  Etc.

He’s had nuclear weapons for three years. He’s gotten in twitter battles with no shit everybody on that list not to mention some (former?) allies. He’s bragged about his “big red button”. And yet the most he’s done is launch a few cruise missiles at some Syrian bases and a few drone strikes in Yemen.

There are a lot of Google employees who have bought into the whole progressive agenda and can’t tell the difference between left Twitter and the real world.

Because Orange Man bad.

Maybe have a gander at housingbubble.blog. Your average 911 owner has probably been exposed to the real estate market in some fashion over the last 10 years. Ben Jones is doing the Lord’s work over there.

That’s the thing. Musk has done some really stupid shit. Tesla has dramatically abused notions of rushing untested products to market. But neither Musk nor Tesla are perfect villains, and Tesla is not a bad car in all respects. If Tesla fanboy haters could just admit that and engage in rational discussion about it,

“Cue the” is just such a douchey start to any thread.

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I recently discovered it and it is wonderful and a breath of fresh air from the usual car shows. Really, Mr. Torchinsky nails it. Mr China will sit down on the show and go over step by step what is needed to fix a particular piece of a car. This clip is a great example of his work: how to replace the drive motor on an
