
always a great idea to pick the worst parts of a game and make a movie out of them.

I played BOTW right after HZD and stoped after the first beast. It is just so empty, the story is the basic “lets defeat the evil ganon(dorf)“ and it just didnt grab me at all. In HZD on the other hand i couldnt stop exploring the world and look for every clue and hint the old world left behind and figure out how it

Well, in germany they added new words and renamed scrabble to “Buchstaben-YOLO” (letters-YOLO)
This is no joke


just became 30 years old in march. rub it in, dreamhack! rub. it. in!

battlefield and call of duty both started in WW2 so that doesnt pan out. some might even say that the last good COD was COD2. (glorious time before perks and airstrike)

and thats what’s called good level design