
I thought he looked like a Tobias Funke /David Cross in a wig

what a broad! her whole aura is what I try to project when I need a boost of confidence. I know she lived a full and long life but damn!

Am I the only one who pictured Robert Smith in a field of poppies while reading this?

Alana said Hannibal was a mentor but I remember at some point she said they'd met when she was the academician and Hannibal was completing a postgrad degree. They're supposed to go way back so I guess the whole sleeping with your mentor side of things is not really the creepiest part of their hookup

Unless the sleeping pill was slipped into her nightcap. There was a wineglass by her bedside which Hannibal cleaned before he left for the hospital

i feel like SotL Crawford, while not exactly sleazy, is meant to be just the cuddlier side of patriarchy since he basically treats this young, pretty woman like a pawn in a dangerous chess game he's playing with a genius psychopath.