I’m sorry to change the topic but I came up with a bad food joke over a week ago, and promptly forgot about it until it popped back into my head within the last few minutes.
I’m sorry to change the topic but I came up with a bad food joke over a week ago, and promptly forgot about it until it popped back into my head within the last few minutes.
Triangle food, Triangle food
Triangle food hates particle food
They have a fight, Triangle wins
Triangle food
I know it’s late, but I love this recipe. I feel like it’s more chicken-and-dumpling adjacent than Chicken pot pie, though.
Oh I get it. But there are kids that are clearly not feeling good and you know have been given medicine before school to not have a fever and then by afternoon are a literal hot mess.
“The mucus”. Love the general pronoun.
Another side note--please keep your sick children with their coughs and runny noses home. School is not free daycare despite what you think. Teachers get sick too.
Might I add, that if you feel patently uncool singing or humming happy birthday out loud or in your head, there’s always the Ramones version from the Simpsons, which is way cooler:
Mine really isn’t a horror story. My parents forgot my 13th birthday: got up, had breakfast, kept waiting for something to be said, nothing was, went to school, came home, got yelled at by my Mom for something, was sulking around, phone rang, it was my grandmother, who robustly sang happy birthday on the phone - she…
Well mine is a TOTAL downer, but here goes:
When my husband was alive, we would buy fancy cheeses, meats, dried fruits, olives, etc and just have our own charcuterie board at home with wine or cocktails when we didn’t feel like cooking. I miss that a lot.
As a liberal Virginian its been great fun to watch the legislature this week. There were some misses (failed to repeal Right-to-Work, failed to pass a mandatory reporting structure for lost guns) but there have been a shit ton more hits than misses.
As a former unmarried Virginian who lived with a woman (who was not my wife), it’s about fucking time.
I will rail on about it until my dying day: airlines should only serve simple meals. The fancier they try to be, the worse I find they are.
Shortly after we started dating, my husband and I went to the FL Keys, partly to see how well we got along when traveling together, but yeah, mainly to bone. It was...not the best trip I have ever been on. We ran out of condoms during the middle of the most colossal storm, so he decided it was IMPERATIVE that he dash…
Real talk: Gary has an Asian fetish and was trying to figure out how to hit on you, since telling him you are Texan blew up his “Ni Hao Ma” strategy.
I am honored, thank you.
Don’t cancel the events. Just, nobody show up. Not a soul. There is no hell for a writer like the mortification of staring out at a sea of empty chairs, save for the bookstore employee who felt bad for you and took a seat one minute after the event’s official start time.
Weirdest coming-out tweet, ever.
This sounds nearly identical to what happens to the immigrant family in ‘The Jungle’. And you’re right, at some point it just becomes a check-list of bad events rather than allowing the reader to connect with the characters.
I took that to be part of the point, personally. They were never meant to be rounded characters but representative figures, and because of that everything horrible has to happen to them to convey the evil of the other couple’s dehumanization of the ‘other’ in pursuit of a ‘wall’ to keep out the immigrants they fear.…