
The universe did some fucking BACK BREAKING to make this all come to a head, and I seriously wouldn’t have believed it if it hadn’t happened *to me.*

When I was 22, after a brief eyeroll hiatus from Thought Catalog, I decided to randomly read some articles there during some down time. If you don’t know Thought Catalog,

It sounds like what they need is a good butler to run their household, who can then”... raise the children to be emotionally stunted crime fighters after the parents are brutally murdered. 

Lol. I have patiently been waiting for someone to bring that up.

This is the correct answer. 

I need this for real life. 

Have you ever met someone too disabled to drive/ take a bus to shop? Do you know anyone over 70? The country’s growing population of elderly people (many of whom are in pain a lot or - I don’t know - maybe they get sick of people shouting at them to “hurry up”) will be needing services like this more and more as they

Nooooooooooooo for the love of biscuits take Paul instead!!

It sounds like mom is the one who is not ready to talk about things

We recently went from renting to owning, and the house we were renting had a den and a living room. The home we bought has one living room, and my husband and I are simpatico to a degree that I didn’t think was real. We often say we have a cuddling problem, which is that cuddling often makes us late for work, and when

They're so basic they'd survive a dunk in a vat of boiling acid.

I was talked into using one for maybe 12 minutes by my brother-in-law, almost died several times despite there being almost no one else nearby. Clearly not for me, I’ll walk thanks.

Not sure if this is what you’re looking for, but:

I don’t have a past reinvention but this year I’m moving abroad and intend to become the best me ever in 2020! No more job, away from awful family who’ll never visit, I’m now getting rid of nearly all of my possessions except casual clothes, jewelery, and toiletries, and it’s going to be a brand freaking new life for

Just a heads up: If you get shitty or mean in these comments I’ll remove them. Go be an asshole somewhere else. 

I’m so sorry. It creeps up on you sometimes when you least expect it.

It’s got Kids in the Hall and SNL as supporting cast for two (as time will prove without a doubt) very talented young female actors. From the creators of The Craft deciding to do a take on the Nixon impeachment. To actually write that down it sounds absurd it even occurred.

This is also a timely reminder to be kind toward holiday workers. Really extra extra patient and kind.

I really liked the Time of the doctor, because Matt Smith was my favorite and both the goofiest and the scariest doctor to date (Capaldi could be scary, but he was more grumpy/sad than anything, when Smith brought the thunder, he was downright scary, and I like the fact that his biggest moments like that were at the

I don’t remember enough of the TV show to remember that episode but I loved the Little House book with the blizzard in it. It even has a “recipe” in it - when they are unable to have their usual Christmas candy so Ma pours maple syrup onto snow.