
Voyage of the Damned isn’t even close to the best Who Christmas special! The best Tennant special was, unofficially, Waters of Mars. Officially, it wasn’t Christmas Invasion. 

Save time - buy Trader Joe’s Everything Bagel Sprinkle. There’s a knock off on Amazon.

My parents and grandparents scripped and saved to get my sister and I American girl dolls for Christmas one year when we were younger (we’re both in our late-20s now). I had Josephina, and my sister had Kit. We loved them, and when we grew up my mom packed them away. Fast-forward a decade or so and our baby sister (14

I loved my doll so much when I was a kid. I took it everywhere, slept with it every night, and read the books over and over again. For some reason I don’t quite understand I read the catalog cover to cover every time it came. I mean, the content didn’t really change but I was an addict, I guess.

Mattel didn’t understand that the historical stories were a large part of the attraction of the dolls.   

it never occurred to me that you could use egg roll wrappers on pasta and now I’m wondering why I can’t get fettuccine or mac n cheese rolls at every county fair and fake italian/chinese place.

She was a 40-something D.C. lawyer who had long wondered about the people who show up in the background of restaurant review photos. Surely one of them could be a cheater, right? Inspired and emboldened by happy hour, she decided to write in.

Imagining the "million" moms' glee turning into disappointment and rage makes me feel all warm and tingly inside 

Hi Jezzies,


I work in and live adjacent to what’s considered the worst part of my city. People left here with nothing would fare better than they would if dropped off in a rich neighbourhood. People who are poor understand what it’s like and are often more open to helping others despite having less to give. Though I would like to

Sir, this is a Starbucks.

This is what happen when men write female characters. I generally love Perrotta, but this book was far less enjoyable than this others.

Dear GOD. That sounds like Perotta was punishing his characters.

I cannot express how much I hated the son.

That’s how we are too. Love everyone involved but the show is super-meh! Nothing there really worth the time to watch.

she’s naked in more ways than one

Same. I gave it three episodes and felt so discombobulated with the tone of the show I couldn’t keep going.

I’ll show how old I am. Nic Cage in Valley Girl.

Thank you for reminding me this website’s target audience is half my age.