
This graph is specifically multi-state outbreaks, which you almost would expect to go up as centralized food processing has grown over the years. But it could just be “cannibalizing” outbreaks that were previously contained within one state. Which is to say this may not be due to the food supply becoming more

If invited to a bash, I keep it very, very simple.

She seems nice and all, but I’m not sure why she’d want to play a plum.

The ad was wrong on so many levels!

Uhhh; he’s pretty generic looking. Add a beard and nobody would be able to pick him out of a lineup. Maybe not even without a beard;

The Meringues are top tier. A+ my favorite thing to buy at trader joe’s

YOU GUYS. The dark chocolate covered peppermint Joe-Joes are the best fucking thing in the world. I’m extremely sad that you did not include them in your lineup only because it means you didn’t get to experience their divine deliciousness. I buy like 2 extra boxes before Christmas so I can continue to eat them through

Speaking of disappointing candy, one of the great disappointments of my bookish childhood was getting to taste Turkish delight. I read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and thought that it must be the most amazing thing ever. But its not, stale flavorless gelatin with nut in it is not something any self respecting

You better be careful, they’re gonna be telling you to stick to food if you keep this up.

But what’s your stance on pig bladder balloons?

I always wanted to try to maple sugar on the snow thing. Also the pig’s tail, but when I saw a pig’s tail at the grocery store, it looked so gross, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. (I told myself it was winter and too cold for grilling.)

Oh, speaking of greasy — not a fictitious food, but common in fictionalized “frontier adventure” stories I used to read as a kid -- pemmican has always sounded kind of tasty to me. A concentrated ball of meat, fat, and fruit? I’m in. A friend of mine said she made it in grade school and she was the only one who liked

I’m 29 and I have a minor cold. I think I’m already done. I can’t go on like this.

Yes, I know (I live quite close to there - and like the craft shows).

Clifton as in Fairfax County, Clifton!?

The trick is for the husband and the wife to sleep with both the nanny and the handyman.

Ladies and gentlemen, I think we got him.

he denied the accusations and said that he was simply being “gallant,”

This is the first Thanksgiving since my divorce in the spring and y’all. No more Trump loving in-laws. No more sneaking back next door to door from a flask while I check on the dog. No more being forced to think through Black Friday catalogs.

Caitlin you have been busy today! Thanks for providing some holiday distraction to the masses.  Happy Thanksgiving.