
My daughter’s 3rd birthday fell on Thanksgiving three years ago. She wanted a “hula girl” meal, but my wife’s family are rigidly traditional when it comes to Thanksgiving food. After weeks of fighting and various sisters-in-law threatening not to come, the compromise was Polynesian-flavored takes on standard dishes:

Thank you! This happened 7 years ago so I've had many more relaxing Thanksgivings since then. Staying home is the best.

My father died on Thanksgiving Day twenty years ago. Thanksgiving dinner didn’t happen that year, and neither did Christmas. We were very close and it was very traumatizing.

The last time I traveled for Thanksgiving was when we drove up to my uncle’s house when I was pregnant with my youngest child. We were a full two hours late because it took us almost 8 hours to get there in some of the worst traffic I have ever seen on Thanksgiving Day. I spent the entire drive with a pie on my lap,

You poor sap. Pearl came potty trained (don’t ask me how, I didn’t do it)and only woke me up to go outside for the first week or so. she really didn’t chew much either as long as you kept her in rawhides and toys.

I pretty much screamed the entire thing in my head upon reading the headline.

I saw this once about 20 years and even I retained that much. The most deserving old cat goes to heaven. Anyone else pining for death is SOL for a year. Hope you enjoyed the ball, at least.

After growing up listening to the soundtrack and filling in the hints of story from the lyrics with my own idea of how the story played out, I was dismayed when I went to see it as an adult and discovered that the songs were all there was to the plot.

Maybe that is what Bob actually needed.

For those that asked for a picture of teh dog...

Much like the bullshit we hear about candy corn around Halloween, this is a COMPLETE FABRICATION meant to generate clicks. Cranberry sauce is the shiznit.

Yeah, I gotta say it’s pretty disappointing that they stuck to discussing the musical competition part of the play, instead of diving into the death cult part.

When I put my cats out at night, I always ask if they are going to the Jellicle Ball. I ask this almost every evening, but they never answer...

Excellent. I love that she was celebrated (which she deserves) and when Kavanaugh made his first public speech, the amazing people at We Demand Justice looped her testimony on a giant screen outside where everyone attending had to see it, had women dressed as handmaiden’s where people had to walk past them to enter,

How do you write this blog without the rest of his quote? I mean, he literally says we should push for something greater, he’s just asking those with privilege to consider what they are asking those without privilege to risk in that push.

People have told me that my local food bank will take excess home grown produce but I wasn’t able to make it there this year to talk to them about what kind of volume would be enough that they could use. In your experience, is home grown produce something that food banks will give away, and is that something you would

I felt and did the exact same thing.

I am so incredibly disappointed that Roxane Gay joined in this. 

I didn’t have a yearbook pic because my mother made me quit my job when I became pregnant then wouldn’t give me the $30 for the school photographer. So there’s a clip art of a random object over my name.

Given the Northam yearbook nonsense, I think this is a fantastic idea. Seriously.