
I got a Mirena after my second kid was born. It was great at first, my period went away after about six months, but I had a crazy amount of discharge (something I also confirmed was happening with six of my good friends). Around three years with it I woke up one Saturday and was feeling kind of crampy. Decided to stay

Love this!

As a victim of sexual assault and a mother of three boys (also a high-school teacher), I’m grateful for this thread. It’s such a complex issue. I find myself incredibly frustrated when I see comments saying “just teach your boys to respect women”. Of course that’s the goal but that’s vague advice on an abstract topic

This is a chair I would buy.

My boys get this all the time. They are definitely rough and tumble kind of kids, but why do we have to use gender as a way to describe their behavior?

Maybe it’s just the age of the internet but I feel like I’ve seen fertility issues front and center a lot lately. I have numerous friends and acquaintances that are my age (late twenties) and have struggled/are struggling with infertility, not to mention the ones who really aren’t old but are considered ‘advanced

I had my first at 23, my second at 26, and am currently pregnant with my third at 29. I work full-time as a teacher, and my husband works full-time as well. My family has never hindered my career as far as teaching goes. Now, the extracurricular stuff that many teachers are asked to do like coaching or what have you?