
But hey, think of the shareholder value!

I was shocked to find out the President can overrule decisions by the National Security services about who can get a security clearance. It seems that this is yet another thing that is going to have to be legislated about, since once that barn door has been opened, we have no guarantee that it will ever be closed

The fact that they have to go to school AND work should indicate they need to be paid MORE; not LESS.

What he meant was, “Why are you against companies hiring more teenagers but giving them fewer hours in order to underpay them and, importantly, avoid paying someone a living wage and providing a full-time job?”

Some of us had to support our families before we even turned 18. Fuck these corrupt corporate lackeys!

I’d give quite a lot to see Hunger Games: Conservative Female Blowhard Edition

comments like this make me miss twitter. a bit.

Yeah that shit is gold.

Is there like a gofundme that I can contribute to for this?

With no one to deliver her first morning eye-opener, she couldn’t get out of bed.

Peggy Noonan is a vapid shithead who would last .003 seconds if modern society collapsed and she was forced to survive on her skills and intelligence.

I could be mistaken, but I have heard it said that New York’s streets will make you feel brand new, and that their lights will inspire you.

She’s confused about many, may things. Including what constitutes humanity and being a good corporate citizen. You know, paying people well, and paying your taxes. These fossils cannot die off fast enough.

She wrote his lies for him, tabula rasa that he was.

So her dedication to the memory of St. Ronald knows no bounds…

The World Surf League gave Noonan an honorarium for Lifetime East Coast Top Challenger for riding Reagan’s dick for the last 30 years.

This absolutely needs to be a thing. Someone should just ask her deli guy, or uber driver, or whatever, what they think about the thing her latest column is about, and then print that. I would read that.

At this point Peggy’s deli guy is probably more relevant than she is.

Reagan was a hollow liar so Noonan is doing his dismal legacy justice.

Peggy Noonan, a virtual reality headset that allows the user to see the world through the view of Ronald Reagan’s corpse