
You are right. It really doesn't NEED a sequel, but i kinda want one anyway, - just because it was the best DAMN game I've ever played, and i desire to have that experience again. If Naughty Dog can do another story driven game like this with a different theme/characters/timeline, whatever.. I'll take that too.

Leave it to the Japanese to bring the "Mullet" hair style back - and make it actually look cool.

As an owner of 3 German Shepards, and a game developer, and an avid Call of Duty player- This was my first thought as well. They're going to kill the dog, who has become my buddy throughout the course of the game, and I'm going to be really pissed!!!!
I agree with Kirk, - Lets shake things up Infinity Ward- DON'T

Lol, that happened to me while i was watching. he said "Xbox Favorites" and my kinect responded but didn't know what to do.

It's not sexism, and Sony shouldn't have to specifically seek out a women speaker- just to have one on stage. It's simply a matter of who Sony was working with at the time. These presenters were the heads of studios. Studios don't look to gender to identify who is best suited to run the place either, they look for