
The notion that entire, sentient races are naturally predisposed to certain levels of intelligence, or moral alignments, is baked into the game. That’s not the same as talking about “good and bad sides”.

I think it’s more that it’s kind of irresponsible in general to imply that entire races of people can be “evil,” or “bad,” because of their ancestry or genetics. I think there is absolutely still room to apply the sort of high level morality you’re talking about to factions or larger groups, but this becomes a bit

OR Denny was holding up three fingers because he was celebrating his third win of the season. I think we’re dipping into trying too hard to find offense.

Seriously, cancel culture is getting way out of hand. You can’t even slowly murder people in broad daylight with your hands in your pockets anymore!

I found the alt-right 17-year old snowflake I was playing with yesterday, probably got radicalized on the YaTubes using mommy and daddy's internet connection 

Paging functionoverfashion..we need good opinions

Seems like a good time to dust this one off:

TFA doesn’t mention it, but I am 100% sure the car buyer was a white guy. If it had been a POC the Laredo Sherriff’s Department would have sprained their wrists patting themselves on the back over their, “massive drug bust.”

I hope the spindle grill is larger and more spindly. splindlike. spindlish.

This shows just how disingenuous Toyota’s claim was that they couldn’t build the Supra without a partnership.”

It doesn’t. What I theorized and what is are two different things. You’ll notice the title of that article included the word “should” not “will”.

You can cosplay on a budget. That’s how most of them get their start, they learn how to sew and whatnot and doing it all yourself for a few years can not only teach you the basics, but keep costs low. Most of the big names who make bank on it started out like any cosplayer, examining character models and making most


One thing that isn’t mentioned enough is outside of the juggernaut con’s, a lot of mid sized to new cons are likely to be gone for good, because if you didn’t have insurance, hotels and convention centers aren’t going to let them off with a ‘alright, we understand’.

So you haven’t put any time into a Madden game for almost 15 years, and you’re ready to completely denounce it because of one weird tournament result?

Your head is in the right place, but your playing the wrong sport.

No problem with your writing or the content - I like it.

Get sick and die to own the libs.

It's safe to assume these people are fucking morons because they're acting like fucking morons. 

A million times this. They registered in random island nations to avoid paying taxes and so they could pay their workers next to nothing. Fuck em. Hope they all go belly up.