
Every time Lauer emails or calls, NBC should send him this clip of the scene from About Schmidt where Jack Nicholson’s character drops in on his old office to find that his advice isn’t needed and his meticulous files are on the loading dock for disposal.

In our defense, England does seem to dominate the other members of the UK.

The Heritage Foundation put some interesting candidates into positions related to reconstruction in Iraq after the second Gulf War. People who were supposed to help reestablish the telecommunications system who had zero experience in that area, and so forth.

“Any of you ever blogged in support of the Ku Klux Klan?”

When does his term end and why not have him leave right away? Ryan making sure he has a reliable vote for the tax cuts?

Spurlock has cheated on every single wife and girlfriend? After doing that a couple of times, shouldn’t he have thought that he might have a problem? No, ego will protect and let him say that it was the women to drove him to it or something.

Only one airbag inflated. Is that standard on cars in the European market? Or is that a little cost saver on this model?

Why are white men getting a pass on the blame here?

My Kerry family settled in Holyoke, Palmer, several little mill towns over that way.

Those from Kerry settled “west-a-Worcester”.

“Albuterol relaxes the muscles around the bronchial tubes, which allows asthmatic athletes to breathe normally or non-asthmatic athletes to breathe easier. “

Trump didn’t write that tweet. Someone on his staff wrote that for him.

Roy Moore is going to now make a long career of being paid to go in front of evangelical audiences and whine long and hard about this election.

Republicans wouldn’t be able to find the moral high ground if they’re lives depended on it.

If Brandon’s involved, the outfit should have a cropped top, some kind of baggy pants, and lots and lots of useless straps.

I used to use Mane and Tail, but have found something better. I was given a sample and WOW.

Miller’s Crossing forever changed how I view the song Danny Boy.

“When you’re sliding down that fabric slide out of the plane, are pantyhose going to withstand? “

When I was an undergrad in the early 80's, my department hired a new professor who was supposed to be hot s#$t in our field. Everyone was excited to sign up for his classes. Pretty much from the start, he turned out to be skeevy. Leering at female students during class. Making comments that were just on the very edge