He’s lucky a great feathered lizard god didn’t rise up and attack the stadium, too.
He’s lucky a great feathered lizard god didn’t rise up and attack the stadium, too.
I watch her show, as well. It’s always interesting in one way or another, but I swear she on something. She gives off that Bob Ross slightly stoned/medicated vibe.
Lots and lots of money.
“Weiner spent his final day of freedom “holed up in his Union Square apartment, where a source in the building spotted Weiner’s dad, Morton, getting Starbucks around 11 a.m.,” the New York Post reports. The two spent around five hours together prior to Weiner’s departure, likely because now that his wife and child…
When her childhood is discussed, it’s mostly about growing up in New York City and at a boarding school. I have a vague recollection, though, that she and her brothers spend a good bit of time with their maternal grandparents in (what was then) Czechoslovakia. Am I imagining that?
Donald and Melania Trump speak with the first beneficiary of TrumpCare.
“My statements were taken out of context and do not represent how I feel about the current situation concerning Harvey Weinstein. “
“On more than one occasion, his foster mother told me that he got depressed after visits and acted out by being disrespectful or breaking his possessions. Those were little signs, she told me, that “maybe the visits aren’t such a good idea.” I felt that if he were allowed to see me more often, then it would not be so…
Woody Allen has that same teflon coating that Trump does. Awful stuff comes to light about either of them, people talk about how horrible it is, then life just goes on for Allen and Trump.
“... the Daily News reported that Chapman was “outraged and furious” by the news. But in a statement he gave to the New York Post regarding the recent investigation, Weinstein said that Chapman was standing by him “100 percent.””
“Hours after tweeting his “warmest condolences”to the victims of the shooting in Las Vegas, President Trump addressed the nation”
Why was Rumer Willis on the show, other than to dish about her mother’s living situation?
Imagine how interesting kicking would be. I say play the game in Miami. ;)
And has consistently been so for decades.
I bet the furniture stores offering shelter don’t have a kitchen. Probably just a break room for employees. Osteen’s current building used to be a sports arena. They have facilities.
I walk a mile each way to work in an area that is warm to freakin’ hot during the summer and parts of the spring and fall. Ironing doesn’t fix even minor amounts of sweat.
“A statement obtained by Mediaite said the church was “prepared to house people once shelters reach capacity.””
We’ll see him next season because you KNOW Arya is collecting that face.
I had to take the FEMA emergency preparedness training. By the end of it, you really are of the mind set that you have to prepare for every sort of emergency by accumulating equipment. Every little town needs to prepare for a riot by having armored vehicles and so forth. There’s no thought that ok, let’s set up the…
“However, he recently dropped this bomb: “I’m not sexually satisfied, so I want to open our relationship.” He’s been sexually unsatisfied for almost two years!”