
Are they going to comment on the William behind the name William and Mary? King William III, aka William of Orange. Married his first cousin, invaded England. Left many dead bodies around Ireland and ended up having the Orange Order named after him. He was a peach, especially from the perspective of Catholics in

I’ll remember him for that Nike ad.

No, because Fox News probably didn’t cover this and stoke their anger for them.

I bet Margaret Cho is thrilled over this.

He looks like the vast majority of old men when you insist that they sit so you can take a formal photo of them.

There was also something about Trump Tower management denying the Secret Service the ability to have a refrigerator in the rented space for sodas and lunches. I guess the agents are supposed to eat their meals at a Trump owned restaurant.

Can’t the grown kids refuse Secret Service protection and just pay for their own protection out of their (supposedly) massive fortune?

People with way too much energy that they’re desperately trying to redirect from something else.

“The goal is to eliminate having to wash towels every day because no one knows which towel is theirs.”

Speaking about the locals taking umbrage over everything. A lot of us still haven’t fully forgiven John Harbaugh over the incident at the UMD vs UMich game that was played in Baltimore. Jim Harbaugh coaches Michigan, of course, and it’s no surprise that John Harbaugh would be at the game. Fine, but John had to take

The bottom point is when the GOP is certain that they can’t get anything (primarily tax cuts for the rich) out of Trump. When they finally realize that, he’s toast.

Jennifer Rubin, a conservative columnist at the Washington Post, wrote something yesterday that I suspect is dead on. Trump thrives on attention (of course). The GOP should deny him that. Members of Congress shouldn’t meet with him. Send an aide instead. Don’t allow him to give the State of the Union from the

Kelly’s primary job should be physically staying between Trump and the nuclear football at all times. Make sure Trump can’t see it. Make sure he can’t touch it.

Under Armour’s redevelopment of that stretch of old dock land (Port Covington) there alone I-95 has been awesome. The distillery is worth a visit. Gorgeous place and good rye whiskey, too. Plank and I differ on politics, but I will continually give him praise for sticking with Baltimore and going into these old

How often are there bodies on the tracks?

An archaic term that is still commonly used in my family for some reason, meaning I’m willing to bet my hard cash against something of low value because I’m sure I’ll win the bet.

Dollars to doughnuts he didn’t write that.

I LOVED the scene where Elizabeth dressed down Churchill and the other ministers and I hope that it’s true, at least to some degree.

I agree with you about Albert’s desire to have a job or role and to be productive. Leading up to that part of the show, however, he was shown as going through an emo-ish period where he seemed uncomfortable with the idea of his wife being the regent.

“they’ve already bogged this show down in Prince Philip’s ego”