
Just buy a box of corn starch and pour it into a shaker. Tried and true, over multiple generations.

The city market in Budapest is awesome, just even the smell of the place.

He also has some complaints about women’s basketball. He’d like to see the baskets lowered so that women can dunk and make the game more exciting.

It’s stress, too. For the first time in his life, he’s being held accountable for the crap he says and does.

That’s a grown man, not a kid.

Prague is amazingly cheap. We had great dinners with beer for around $12.

This kid is 21 years old.


I was interviewing applicants for an entry level science position best suited for someone who recently received their masters. One of the applicants, a young woman who graduated from a very good State university, had spent a semester after graduating at Oxford University studying something that was interesting but

Pence is the Christian version of the Taliban.

Because it was more important that there was an email server that could have been hacked but wasn’t.

How to the neo-nazi types justify the fact that Trump’s closest advisor (Kushner) and his favorite daughter (Ivanka) are Jewish?

With respect to marine mammals, it’s the gutting of NOAA and USFWS that is more directly significant than the gutting of the EPA (although that’s not a good thing in and of itself).

“Tilikum and the low quality of life experienced by whales in captivity (specifically at SeaWorld and similar parks) and how that can result in violent behavior”

Remember when Republicans were so concerned about “States rights”? Turns out that only is a concern when Democrats have some power in Washington.

A friend was in an abusive marriage, finally taking the four kids and running to a shelter. She paid off the massive credit card debt he ran up while they were married and put all four kids through school. Once she reached that point, she bought herself a used absolutely gorgeous Jaguar. The maintenance and repairs

They should poke around to see if they can find morals and honor, too.

“I talked to Coach many, many times when I came back after break,” Allen said. “We had a lot of conversations and meetings, and I went through a lot of stuff after practice. He ultimately felt I was ready to come back, and I felt good coming back, so I accept all the discipline that came way. I know it was my fault.”

Would those be the same polling nerds who were predicting a Clinton victory until after the polls closed?

In the case of the Columbia marching band, you should probably put the word arts in quotation marks.