
Aggie here. The Rice MOB did a fabulous job of skewering TAMU, too, although the Aggies do tend to make that rather easy. Years ago, the Rice band made fun of Reveille (the collie mascot dog) by forming into the shape of a fire hydrant on the field then showing a dog peeing on the hydrant. I thought it was funny,

You should have added Rutgers to the list just to make a few heads explode.

That was my take from this article. The Columbia band’s “edginess” sounds like it was conceived by a group of middle school boys.

I shared a flight from Dublin to Detroit with an Irish rugby team who were coming to the US to tour around playing against US teams. The young men were very happy and managed to drink every single beer on that wide body plane. They were well behaved, considering. The trouble occurred when we landed at Detroit.

I had the same experience with the Obama campaign’s phone banks for both his elections. They were organized, made good use of my time, and genuinely thanked me.

A piece of tofu tortured into the general shape of a chicken cutlet, then breaded and fried.

How much information does a college football team share with the radio announcers before a game? Line up? Factoids about players and staff? This sounds like Wake has been sharing what plays they planned to run. Why would you give out that level of detail? Or was this because the radio announcer used to be on the

“Sure, maybe some of the drivers were going a bit too fast for the conditions”

One positive thing about Rick Perry.

Folks, please raise your sons not to be a#$holes.

I’d prefer Admiral Perry to Rick Perry, even though the good Admiral has been dead a long, long time.

“If you look at what — I could name country after country. You look at what’s happening in Mexico, where our people are just — plants are being built, and they don’t wait 10 years to get an approval, ok?”