That's how I observe it. Khane came down about a quarter ft towards the line, Patrick moved away from it, seemingly acutely and 2ft or more.
That's how I observe it. Khane came down about a quarter ft towards the line, Patrick moved away from it, seemingly acutely and 2ft or more.
There’s got to be something else at play for that much wear at to use 12k. It’s not solely down to the OCI. Motor was possibly already wearing pretty bad, abused at some point or the oil was really poor.
HiHat practice pedal for those long drives
Imma let you finish, but jetski above karting? NOooooooooo.
You won the internet today. #DraftingWars
“I could have you killed and get away with it”.
Ugh that would turn the cars into sleds, I think that’s an increase of 15% total car weight?
Right through a pedestrian crossing too. Nice.
That video has so much awesome in it.
Great article and amazing timing. I’m avid karter and just tried yoga for the first time in a long time last night. One thing I noticed is that the stresses on the body are very similar in yoga and racing. Isomeric contraction - lots of it! It took me a good 20mins to get into it, I was a bit bored at the start but…
Won't somebody think of the Americans?
I spot a golden opportunity to sell "optimized" gas cans.