
In the industry we use “activation” to mean OTA SIM provisioning. Your card was already activated in your scenario.

Because “your brother is going to get bullied if I get him an old iPhone!” - my mother when she got my 13 year old brother a 128 gb iPhone 6s ....

Cant let your special little flower not be able to flaunt your nonexistent wealth to the neighbors kids or else they might realize that you aren’t as rich as you want them to believe.

Financing a depreciating asset and handing it to a teenager makes even less sense, somehow... I think the answer for me is to tell my kids to buy their own damn phones and leave me out of it.

Read title; thought it was a post about Star Citizen sent from the future.

I had Ultimate Spiderman for the GCN, I might as well try to download the PC version since my GCN is long death for a long time

I have it on pc is there a 1080p mode or something. I remember the resolution was really bad and made 4:3

It’s really the only reason to watch this movie...

I was hoping they would film this from a top down perspective. :(

I do believe that there is an Xbox One controller.

In Los Santos, born and raised,

Yes but what you do with them is up you! Hardly a companion when I shoot them in the face. haha

Maybe I’ll get back into Dota.... After I am done playing GTAV

I have to say, Timothy Dalton in this film is one of the finest performances of any actor ever on screen.

They should rename the movie, Batman V. Superman: Boner of Justice. Then for the Justice League movie, Justice League: Get the ruler out!

Wait until you see Wonder Woman’s bulge. They’ve chosen to cleverly hide it under that loincloth thing to save it for a big reveal.

It’s better than nipples though.

David Bowie eat your heart out.

Bulge of Justice

all those Schumacher crotch and butt-shots had to leave a mark somewhere