
Oh man... those jaggies are cutting my eyeballs!!

I totally read that in my head as Ron...

I’m not your buddy, guy!

“Read this book before going on vacation and I couldn’t find my cruise liner in the port. Vacation ruined.”

Are they going to support smart watches that can already do this? I don’t want to have wear another wrist device when my Pebble would work perfectly fine.

You forgot Ultimate Spider-Man. That game was awesome.

They’re using one of those newer 3D Doom engines (ZDoom or something). Do it in the original pseudo 3D engine if you want it to count.

Neato but I want to do one that’ll hold my monster 22" widescreen CRT... :)

I still have Spider-Man 2099 #1 in plastic :)

They recently added planets to the mix. At the moment, they are kinda glitched in multiplayer but seem to work fine in single player. I have no doubt it’ll get better soon. It’s an awesome game.

I have two pairs :)

I have two pairs :)

Doesn’t look like an accident to me. Look at the way he raises his stick and the little shove as he hits him.

The guy probably should’ve cut the recording before all the stunting.

It’s “No, I am your father.” If you’re going to do it, do it right :)

What game is that?

One question I have is how did Rey magically understand BB-8?

You should also watch the Q2 fan edits of the prequels. They are much better (albeit shorter) than the originals.