
Sony making a game for PlayStation is a bit different than Microsoft buying a game for Xbox.

And you're done, Kotaku. If Watch_Dogs didn't even rate high enough to rate a 50% on your binary yes/no black/white review system, then it shows that your opinions once again do not mesh with my own, and should therefore not be used as a barometer.

You've effectively said that Watch_Dogs is just as good as Amazing

This is one of the worst reviews I've read on this site. And that's not to comment on Kirk's reviews as a whole because usually I agree with most of them. Clearly you're playing the game wrong. Can't tell you how many times I escaped areas or infiltrated a secured building without shooting a single bullet. Helicopter

This is definitely not the game I thought it would be, but it is definitely a game I'm happy I own.

I am somewhat disappointed with how the game actually turned out, but I am still having HOURS of fun playing it. I hate to be yet another person who compares it to GTA V, but in terms of creating chaos and having random

I'm having more fun with this than GTA V too. Like that its actually the city of Chicago for the most part, and not Chicargo or some crap like it would be in GTA. Hacking is a lot of fun, and I hardly ever need a gun. I just actually look around for camera's and what not and strategize on how to get in, rather than

I'm so incredibly sad that there are so many people on this site that seem determined to watch this game fail. Either because it didn't meet their weird preconceptions of what it would be (despite nearly two years of previews) or because it didn't match the graphical fidelity that it was initially shown at (I don't

I too am really enjoying WD, so much more than GTA5.

I'm currently at about 48% done the game in Act II of V & I disagree with a lot of his review. The driving is awesome, the stealth is wicked & the game actually has an interesting storyline.

The best way to describe Watch_Dogs is that it's "Ubisoft: The Greatest Hits". When you're in stealth taking guys out silently,

Really enjoying this game for what it is...which is GTA in Chicago with hacking. Yes, it was dressed up as something else entirely, but that doesn't mean it's not worth playing. I respect your opinion, though.