
The shareholder’s can’t. And therein lies most of the greed issue in this country. 

Until the world’s total GDP just gets transferred annually into the bank accounts of executives and shareholders, there is no such thing as being able to “be happy” with the amount of money a game is making. 

Corporate business models these days revolve around shareholders, not consumers. That they’re consumer-facing is only an ancillary concern, as long their shareholders benefit. It’s a shit system on more levels than I care to dive into in this brief comment.

Boy, if someone would press some of these tracks on 45s, I’d put them in my jukebox....=\ 

Verily, fair maiden, I do enjoyeth me some Killer Instinckt!

You’re literally in an article about digital media *actually* disappearing/being modified, and you’re here going, “but hypothetically a physical copy can get damaged!

Eventually nothing will exist. Doesn’t mean it’s not worth preserving what exists at the moment.

It won’t stop there. They are firing missiles into the Philippine exclusive economic zone. They are claiming land that the US ceded to Philippines. Meanwhile our OWN Hollywood studios kiss their ass for a few dollars. Nixon made a horrible monster. All the worst aspects of Communist and Capitalist in a growing

Pardon my French, but fuck the Chinese government.

*sighs* ...And yet again, more reasons why physical will always be king.

Eh, we’re living in a world where that’s all some people will ever get, and the last thing I’d want is to make them feel ashamed for making the best of a bad situation.

selection bias

Fuck the CCP

I prefer physical ... or dirt cheap digital.

On the one hand, it feels unseemly that her family drama is playing out in public.

I don’t care what anyone says, those designs are hot.

Wait, 2022? Why in the world are they announcing it now? I’m sorry Rocksteady, but that’s just dumb. Next year is on the border of fine, but 2 years from now(plus possible delays) is not.

The people who voted for it, who proposed it, should all be held liable for the court costs. Bullshit legislation won’t stop until the people pushing it take some kicks in their financial nuts. Right now, there are no consequences that impact them in the slightest, so they just keep pushing constitution-violating laws

Or, and hear me out, some kind of political party that gave a shit about the poor. Though even if they did, the systems are in place to make it very difficult to change things. The rest of the developed world looks at the US attitude to vacation days, maternity and sick pay with complete bafflement.

Unions are great, but your country should change employment laws, so you don’t have to fight the same stupid fights over and over again for every industry.