
I’m cautiously optimistic here. I know the games themselves went from being decent horror titles to lackluster action titles after the midpoint of Resident Evil 4, but RE7 and RE2 Remake showed that the series is still capable of being incredibly scary. If a new movie can tap into that, I’d give it a watch, unlike the

Was that sort of language commonly used by the staff in the school where you worked? Poor kids.

If I could be sure that extra $10 or $20 was going to the people who actually made the game, instead of shareholders, I’d absolutely be on board with a higher price. 

Nah, you got it wrong. Go back and read it again. 

Because the man filmed a child using a public restroom, and the people who own Twitch decided this was perfectly fine, as long as they keep making money off of him. If they’d shown an ounce of moral fiber and permanently banned the guy, those other streamers that are actually worth supporting would inevitably get at

If enough people boycott on a single day (particularly one of the company’s bigger business days), it absolutely can have a noticeable effect. That being said, I’m with you; I’d have more respect for folks if they left the service entirely, especially after that whole Dr. Disrespect fiasco.

I was really excited for this, but the Amazon exclusivity just killed it. If I can find one secondhand down the road, and it isn’t jacked up to a ridiculous price, I’ll pick it up. But in the meantime, I’m happy to bow out and free up another pre-order spot for somebody else.

Agreed. I’d love to play an MMO at my own pace. I’ve tried to get into other games late in their lifespans, and at that point, nobody takes their time anymore. If you can even find people at your level, they’re usually racing to hit the level cap on their sixth alt and have zero patience with you if you want to

Because Americans traveling abroad have a long, long history of being ignorant and disrespectful of their host countries. Because a lifetime of being told that the U.S.A. is the greatest nation in the world and that everyone else is inferior causes people to plow roughshod over other cultures and make asses of

PES... I’m sorry, eFootball PES 2020 is right around the corner. In terms of sports games lifespans, 2019 already has one foot in the grave. If you’re lucky, you can probably find a used copy at your local thrift store for $3 or less.

There’s the usual amount of complaining every month, sure, but giving away an outdated sports game is an entirely different level of disrespect. Even the coldest, most jaded businessman can’t help but feel guilty about that one.

Came here to mention “roguelike” myself, but you already nailed it. 

Just ordered my first UK game the other day. The NA version came out over a month ago, but it was digital only. I’m more than willing to wait a little longer to have something I can hold in my hands, and it even came with an artbook. Good stuff.

NGE was one of the first anime shows I ever watched, along with Sailor Moon, back when I was a middle schooler. I remember liking it, but I don’t doubt that a good portion of it went right over my head. It’s been two decades, and now that it’s readily available, I need to go back and watch it again just to see if I

I’m with you there. That final spirit in particular raised the hairs on the back of my neck.

I really liked this game. People throw around the term “virtual tourism” every so often, but more than any other game, Root Letter made me feel like I was actually exploring Shimane, visiting the sites, eating the food, meeting the people. It was gorgeous! Makes me wonder why more games don’t let you just chill in a

Though I always respected what speedrunners did, I was never interested in the scene until just a few months ago. All of a sudden, I started going through the AGDQ and SDGQ archives, watching every video that piqued my interest and now I’m looking forward to catching some of the next marathon live.

The next time you all mock somebody who’s upset that his sexy anime game got censored, remember that you’re here in this thread, openly lamenting the fact that you can’t brutally dismember people in games based on a property that’s designed with children as one of its primary target audiences.

You CAN mash one button and win (especially near the beginning), but that makes the fight drag on longer than it should. The intended way is to finish the fight as quickly as possible, and the game emphasizes this by rating you at the end, and giving you rewards accordingly.

I’ve only played a few Tales games, and despite being rather fond of JRPGs, the series never really hooked me. But the visual design here looks impressive enough that I’d be willing to give it another shot. At the very least, I’ll be following it for a while.