Religion and mythology are basically the same thing.
Religion and mythology are basically the same thing.
I’m surprised at just how much I loved Morgana, even if he did pester me to go to bed way too early. Never took that cat out of my party once.
I interpreted that scene to mean, “Either I pay the extra fare, or I don’t eat tonight.” He kind of fits the starving artist archetype.
It’s totally okay, actually. As long as it remains in the realm of fantasy, and involves fictional characters. Neither you nor I have to like a particular pairing or fetish, but if fans enjoy it in a responsible manner, I’m inclined to respect their interests.
At least they didn’t just fire everybody, right?
While I definitely believe that shitty, neglectful parents should pay more attention to what their kids play, making it a law has some unforeseen and terrible consequences.
It’s all subjective, and one person’s flaw is another person’s feature. For example, many people consider the tank-style controls of old Resident Evil games a “flaw” but I prefer them. For one, I got the hang of using them, and two... yeah, nostalgia plays a huge factor in it. The slow-paced controls were practically…
I’m really hoping for an animated series down the line. I liked what they did with P4.
Ban all guns? They’re not necessary.
Are surprising plays still possible?
While this is incredibly cool, I wouldn’t mind it if they mixed things up every now and then and play around with different styles. The iconic looks of Street Fighter’s characters are based on more than just the proportions of their muscles.
I’ve actually seen a lot of support for that Senran Kagura one. Surprisingly, people seem to dig it, or at the very least they’re open to the idea.
Nah, I’ve been run off the road by a motorcycle in similar situation. Traffic laws exist to keep people safe. Anyone who breaks those laws because they want to go really, really fast is an asshole and I have zero sympathy for them. I also have zero sympathy for the driver of the car. Only innocent party in this whole…
Can’t speak for the guy, but anime mom is probably an introvert. When she started talking to you about something she’s passionate about, it’s because she liked you and wanted to be friends with you. Opening up about something like that is a huge emotional gamble for introverts, and you kind of shot her down. She…
It’s the abuse, or the possibility of abuse, that keeps people from using voice. Small children that learned their first swear words, try-hards with dreams of MLG stardom, people who are more interested in telling you how to play your hero than playing theirs... It’s not just an Overwatch problem, it’s a problem with…
Agreed. It was a pretty neat zombie story too, and it felt like it had a sense of movement and direction that other works in the genre lack. I always held onto a slim shred of hope that it would continue one day, so this is doubly sad news.
That’s great to hear. I haven’t had a chance to try her outside of practice mode yet, but she looks like the sort of hero I’d have a blast with too.
Wonderful news! For the next few weeks, people will actually play a tank.
I’m confused. Which art are you looking at? Everything posted in this article is beautiful, and certainly no worse than any JRPG from the past couple decades.
Virtually everything in Overwatch can be obtained without having to spend real money. All it takes is patience and frugality. I can’t say the same for too many F2P games.