
Likewise, criticizing critics for kinda’ being dicks is also fair. Not only is the mod fiction, it’s fiction that no one is being forced to experience. As long as no real people are being hurt, then I don’t care what other people do in the privacy of their own home.

Count me among the people who love Bloodrayne. They were some of my favorite games at the time, and I’d love to see the series get revived. But in the meantime, stuff like this cosplay brings a smile to my face.

It really must suck for anyone working in tourism. This fantastic string of holidays comes along, and it’s the most nightmarish week out of the entire year.

That’s just how it is with anime. Some artists styles are so simple, especially in regards to female characters that are supposed to be pretty, that their hair becomes the most unique and distinguishing feature about them. So, stand-out details like that spike get exaggerated over time, and evolve into their own

I totally would, if PC had any exclusives that I cared about.

And what part of following traffic laws and slowing down on occassion drives motorcyclists so insane that they have to attack other people and damage property? Seriously, fuck those guys.

I’m loving the fact that the demo is its own thing, and not just a snippet of the bigger game. I never liked that sort of thing, because I want to be surprised when I pick up the game for myself. Not re-play an hour that I’ve already experienced.

I was all set to pick up the collector’s edition, then... yeah... That price tag really took the wind out of my sails. I’d gladly pay half that, maybe if they got rid of the figure. Looks like I’m getting the deluxe edition too.

Despite the fact that I hate shooters, and anything remotely multi-player or competitive, I’m seriously interested in Overwatch.

But damn, if Blizzard isn’t making it hard to respect them right about now.

Halfway through Grim Fandango Remastered, moving on to P.T. after that. Still working my way through Yakuza 5 as well.

I kinda like the black one. It’s definitely the inferior of the two options, but I always liked the minimalist stuff. And it doubles down on the whole Satanic thing.

I would love to see at least one Street Fighter game done in this style. Doesn’t have to be anything major. Maybe Tekken X Street Fighter will scratch that itch, if it hasn’t become vaporware by now.

Trying to wrap up Samurai Warriors 4 (yeah, I’m super behind) with some Yakuza 5 and Street Fighter V mixed in.

Capcom obviously wanted to present something a certain way, then edited it, almost as if they were ashamed of it and were now trying to hide it. And why? Because of the negative reaction that was already brewing. The outrage isn’t over a single half-second butt slap. It’s over a gaming landscape that expects us to

To be fair, if you read the comments the pop up in discussions like this, you’ll find that very few people come right out and say they support censorship. Instead, they tend to dismiss the opposition’s points with dictionary definitions, name calling and shifting the entirely of the blame onto the developer. At least

Never spent a dime on GTA Online, but I feel like I got everything I wanted out of it.

I fully admit there’s some garish, impractical and downright stupid-looking clothes in video games, but I see plenty of garish, impractical and stupid-looking clothes being touted as “cool” and “popular” in real life as well. And that’s just the stuff they’re trying to sell me! Women have it even worse.

I actually just redeemed it successfully last night. And it was well over a year since I got it. So it seems like the expiration date on these things is all across the board.

I also have a perfectly functional PS3 sitting right next to me too.

Good to know, since there’s literally nothing printed on my card about expiration, nor any sort of date. Guess I’ll have to see what’s what.