
A guy who speaks ALL the languages she claims to speak proved she doesnt speak ANY of them. She was caught going to the countries where those languages are spoken and NOT speaking in the language she claims to be fluent in, when addressing the people there. She definitely did this in an italian school because i speak

She isnt smart. She does not speak 5 languages. That was just a lie they told to make it look like she was something more then just the two bit slut she really is. I speak Italian and Spanish. When she went to Italy and went to an Italian school she spoke her horrible version of English to the Italian children. Why?

Id of put shit in their burrito

AAAll she had to do was fact check it on Snopes. Michelle DID salute the stupid American flag. They just chose to not show that part and only showed where she briefly put her hand down. People who go fight in other countries aren’t defending sh-t. If they choose to go kill others in foreign soil it’s on them. They

Shes an effin monster. The B is very lucky it wasnt me or a loved one being violated, disrespected and humiliated in zuch a manner cause I’d of hunted her down and slashed her face to shreds with a razor. Hmmm. Like to see a surgeon sew that up singin n dancing around her still body. Now that’d be funny! 

Isnt that violating the hippa law?

Im glad you said it. Asylum seeking is not against the law. It breaks my heart what is happening to these families and what they’re doing to these children. This whole thing is beyond horrendous and I wish I could do something other than sign petitions like I have been. To think that My country is responsible for such

What could possibly posses someone to act by this logic... poverty

Exactly! Money is money. I wish that’d of been me. I’d of thrown all of it and went crazy in there!

I doubt it. I think those Americans would of prefered to sell weed rather then bust their asses in the hot sun at under minumum wage i sure as hell would of.

I am so sad and heartbroken about how these people are being treated. This country is horrendous to do this. They are hard working human beings, good people who love America and want to belong here. I wonder how many people in this country know any undocumeted people. I speak Spanish and will tell you I havent met

That’s BS.and you know it. He didn’t have to call ice.

They will know they are Xtian by their hate, by their bigotry, by their self righteous sanctimonious, unmerciful,greedy, judgemanal intolerance...

Only a non Christian with compassion , mercy and love in their heart would have done that

That soldier showed no mercy. Someday, somewhere, no mercy will be shown to him. It will happen. This I know.

A giant what? Asshole? Giuliani never did squat.


He married his cousin? Ewwwwe!

I could never understand what the big fuss over him was in the first place. He was over rated then and didn’t do anything special during 911 or after. And he’s a grotesque big toothed ole fool now.

That the vast Majority of muslims dont adhere to the literal teachings of the koran isnt a good argument for islam. Islam is a horrific religion, plain n simple. When “devout” muslims follow the koran to the letter of the law, then thats when you get isis, taliban boba haran and so on and so on and so on. If and when