As long as we’re judging looks, Rosanne looks like a fat, wrinkled ugly ole white trash. I heard She smells like dirty pussy for someone who met her once.
As long as we’re judging looks, Rosanne looks like a fat, wrinkled ugly ole white trash. I heard She smells like dirty pussy for someone who met her once.
You re completely correct. Blacks have been categorized as non human since the very beginning of slavery to get around the “all men r created equal” problem. They were dehumanized, treated like animals so as to make it ok to breed then as animals, and rip their babies away from them upon weaning. To do all this to a…
This is true. So far. But if America continues to let the extreme right wing nut jobs, dictate our laws according to their Xtian bible, soon, little by little our rights will all vanish and America will start to resemble Saudi Arabia in how woman and others are treated. America needs to start taxing religious…
And if you’re a christian or jew and follow the scriptures of your religion, then you’re a racist, sexist, murderous piece of shit by any ethical and moral standard. Thats why fundamentalist and fanatics of ANY religion is dangerous
yes, he calls them ALL out in their hypocrisy. He tells it like it is. Thats why people on the both the left AND right hate him. Jesus was hated too for telling it like it is.
He hates All religion . period. He views all religion as oppressive and sees islam as what christianity was 1000 years ago.
You have said the complete truth. My heart breaks for these “illegal” people. But who has made them illegal? Certainly not the creator. Trump, Sessions and the fake Xtians of this Country called “Evangelicals” right wing, Bible Belt Phony Christians. They are vile and full of hate and Jesus spoke of that type even In…
Benefit of the doubt like they used to give to the police. Now We know better.
Sorry to hear all this. America is spiraling downward and it’s only going to get worse. I speak 3 languages. Only in America is being intelligent considered negative. We need to VOTE These bigots out. It’s the only way towards freedom.
Yup..I’m white too and Speak fluent Spanish. I know white Mexicans who speak Spanish.
Where the Eff is your HUMANITY??? Where is your Christianity? Whatsoever YOU do to the LEAST of my brethern, YOU do unto me!!!! JESUS said it. I live it....WHEN I WAS A STRANGER, YOU WELCOMED ME...
Well the solution is to arm teachers. And make sure to seal up the exits. So if the lunatic with the AR 15 Don’t git them, then the kids can just burn to death in a fire. Ya Feel safer now kids?
Since you brought up Hitler, I wonder why Jews aren’t the absolute most vociferous about the horrific injustices being done to these poor Latino people. You’d think that because of their History and they insisting on halocaust education being shoved down everybody’s throat since the day kids can talk, and with the…
Cunts are beautiful so no insult taken. You however are a piece of nasty shit
Then Republican woman should educate themselves, research trans people and see they are no different then others, instead of fearing people they know nothing about based on the lies of crazy fanatical religious nuts and politicians. Then their fears would go away as they learn there has NEVER been a trans person who…
Only the stupid ones brainwashed by Pense and other Xtian bigots. Trans people identify as the gender they dress as so unless you also have a problem with lesbians using the ladies room, (they might hit on the woman or molest the woman in a stall, cause they’re into woman) ..then shut up
SSo are you volunteering to do genital checks at the door just to be sure, so You feel safer?
Quick! Pull up that woman’s dress and check the parts to make sure it’s really a woman!...Oh sorry. It’s just Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Oops.
I’m more concerned with male pedofiles lurking in the men’s room just waiting to molest boys who go in. This has actually happened numerous times in America. There has NEVER been any incidents with trans people doing anything of the sort, despite politicians using that fear to discriminate and foment hate towards them.
She’s ugly cause she looks her age and isn’t artificially altered to fit the idea of ageless beauty society insists upon in order for woman of a certain age to be enough. You know. Like Chris Brinkley, Dr. Phil’s wife, Jane Fonda, etc. etc etc. All who lie about procedures they’ve had, and/or credit a cream they…