
She’s ugly cause she looks her age and isn’t artificially altered to fit the idea of ageless beauty society insists upon in order for woman of a certain age to be enough. You know. Like Chris Brinkley, Dr. Phil’s wife, Jane Fonda, etc. etc etc. All who lie about procedures they’ve had, and/or credit a cream they


Well heres an example. I work with majority black people who make comments about how white people stink and smell like wet dog, boloney and Mayo, making sure l hear it. Yes and the countless times black people i work with have loudly talked to each other about how they would jip the white customer, and to make sure

Yes it sure is a slippery slope and the answer to your query is NO. For a certain demographic of this nation, there is NO level of force employed that would alarm them and make them say “ok, now THATS too far?” Because that particular group doesn’t consider these people human beings. They are racist and want these

Hows that saying go? First they came for the Jew, then the Polack then my neighbor then me....or something like that...that’s the American we’re living in now. Beware cause if you tamper with freedom and human rights for the least of your brethern, you tamper with your own liberty

Yes not a day goes by that I don’t read some crazy right wing nut job threaten to round up all Dems and liberals and kill them all. These loons are serious THEY are the threat to our democracy

Not defensive just sick n tired if bullshit lies being passed off as fact.😏

Yup...what you stated is a fact. There is archealological proof that Italians had pasta centuries BC.

Its totally regional. Itslians In NY and North Jersey call it Sauce. Italians from Philly and South Jersey call it Gravy. Deal with it. Gravy is the best cause it’s literally sugo which means gravy in italian

And the Regime continues on.....

The root of all evil. Melania is nothing more then a prostitute. She made that choice and gave up all decency and morality so she could be the kept woman of a stupid pig. Why the eff would ANYBODY feel “sorry” for her? She was on the view DEFENDING her porkers attacks on Obama and plugging the birtherism bullshit to

I can’t stand the blatant hypocricy of the right. Nauseating.

Yea, and can you even imagine if Michelle had a past remotely resembling Melania? If Michelle had posed nude and you could Google her slutty naked images in a sec.? Oh what the hypocrites of the GOP would have spewed!

Gentrification....hes taking those propeties he bought cheap and turning them into luxury condos, displacingthe people already there. He got the playbook from trump. Thats how the azz in cheif made his billions.

Visual identification? So you assume the person is illegal based on what? His completion? Shoot n ask questions later? That’s it. It’s the American way. Who the F-ck needs warrants?

We live in scary times. America, for being such a young country sure has a horrible history. And now it appears the racism and abuse continues on and as always, Americans either encourage it, or turn a blind eye to it

I hope they do

You can’t put together a sentence and you call him stupid? You sound retarded, inbred. I hope the next crazy NRA gun toting fascist shoves it up your azz n blows away your useless brain...

The gestapo...

They want to keep it low key...